Chapter 28 - Our past

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"N-no... This isn't true." Sakura sobbed involutarily. Tears fell on her face like a waterfall without her consent. She didn't know why she was crying or how it was possible. Her hand raised to her cheek, feeling the salty tears. It was real. Her body reacted.

"Then why are you crying?" Itachi asked. "Just try. Try to remember. I was there in that night. You walked right past me when you hurried to see your mother." he continued softly.

"Shut up, you liar!" Sakura screamed, punching the ground with her brute strenght and creating a crater. She charged at him while he activated his Susano defense. "I am gonna wipe the Uchiha clan for what you did to my family." her fist made contact with the Susano, cracking it. Itachi's eyes widened in surprise. Sakura smirked.

He jumped back.

She croked her head to the side. "Aw, what is it? You can't attack me? You love me too much? Love makes you weak. You are pathetic and you call yourself a man?!" she mocked him, laughing.

"Yes, because I still have faith in you. What kind of man I would be if I let my wife being swallowed by darkness?" he said, avoiding her gaze.

The pinkette took her katana from fhe ground and charged at him once again, her blade clashing against his kunai. They stared in each other's eyes for some seconds.

"Mom..." Sakura ran through the hallway crying with her father by her side. She wanted to see her, to make sure that she is alright.

The bubble gum haired girl passed by an ANBU with black, long hair. She noticed his black eyes through her teary eyes. He was scrutinizing her but she paid no mind.

The thing he noticed first were her teary eyes. Her eyes looked so much like Mebuki's. No doubt, she was her daughter. Poor young girl, finding out such a tragedy will wreck her. She is still young but he promised to himself that he will take care of her from the shadows as soon as he will become Hokage. He had to keep his promise. He will protect her.

A strand of long, pink hair brushed his cheek. He looked after her a bit longer before exiting the hospital.

Sakura's eyes widened at the memory. Was this a genjutsu? She tried to sense it but she couldn't. No, it was a memory, but how was this possible?

She stopped. She stopped pushing her blade forward and let if fall on the ground. Her body couldn't move. She stared at nothing in particular with fear in her eyes. Fear that he was right. Even though she can't remember more, it was there. A piece of memory. And she could get them all back without having to kill. There was a possibility.

She snapped out of her daydream while Itachi lowered his kunai and watched her with kindness in his eyes. He dezactivated his Sharingan.

"This is Sakura Haruno, my gift for your birthday." Shisui winked at Itachi. He remembered her so well since that night. She matured so much and turned into a beauty. Her pink hair grew longer and her body got curves. He remembered about that promise, but how did she get into this situation? He can't let the things like this. He has to protect her.

"I want to... feel." he heard her weak voice and saw the tears once again on her face. She looked at the ground, not fighting her tears anymore.

She felt her flesh burning and moved her eyes to the skin on her arms. It got a pinkish colour which turned red by the second. It hurt. She cried in pain. Her brain felt like burning and a strong smell filled the air.

"It hurts! Make it stop!" she clentched her hair in her fists , falling on her knees. Her body was shaking uncontrollably. Her cry ripped his heart from his chest. It was agonizing only to hear the desperat cry and how she begged for help. "Itachi, make it stop." she screamed. His eyes widened in panick. He bent down, not knowing what to do. She was smelling liks burnt flesh and she was nearly unrecognizable with her burnt skin.


"Sakura, your seal. Use it!" he said with his voice trembling. She looked up at him and nodded.

She forced her hands to move and made some fast hand seals. The thick, black lines expanded on her body.

The pinkette exhaled, feeling the burnining from her skin disappearing. A thick fog formed around them as the burnt flesh started to heal slowly. She opened her eyes, looking into his dark ones.

"I want to try something." she whispered. She got up on her feet, pulling him with her. One of her hands found it's way around his neck, pulling his face closer to hers. Their lips brushed against each other, making her feel a familiar warmth in her body. Her body trembled. He felt the electricity.

The pain returned but she resisted as the seal worked on it. She gritted her teeth, locking her lips with his in a hugry kiss. Their lips tried to dominate each other. Oh, how much he missed this feeling.

Itachi brought her body closer, holding her tight against him. He grabbed her yukata tightly in his fist. They pulled apart, breathing heavily and looking into each other's eyes with lust.

Memories of their first meeting flew through her mind.

"It works." she breathed, kissing him forcefully once again. Her tongue slipped in his mouth, exploring the foreign place, tasting him and forcing the memories to come back.


"I-i am so-sorry... I w-was dizzy and-" he cut her by pressing his lips to hers.


"What do you want? Say it." he demanded softly. She rised her head looking him into his intense gaze.

"You..." she whispered.


"We are gonna be parents!" he said chuckling.


"Sakura Haruno, will you make me the honor to be wife until the death will pull us apart?"


"I love you too!" he whispered.

He put both of his hands on the back of her thighs, making her wrap her long legs around him, without breaking the kiss. He started walking towards the door that was left open. Once inside, his foot slammed it shut behind them while he was still holding her tightly.

He entered into the bedroom, throwing her on the bed, her head hitting the pillow.

He let his weight on her, starting to kiss her neck but her hands pulled his hair, making him look into her eyes. He observed that the spark returned. It was her, she was back. They both smiled at each other. A heartfelt smile that they haven't seen in years.

"Not that. I can't wait." she whispered while her hands started to pull down his black pants. "I need you now!" she bit her lower lip.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked concerned, scanning her face. She nodded.

She took off her yukata, throwing it on the other side of the bed while he took off his shirt and pants. He helped her pull down her panties while he sucked in a breath. Itachi missed her so much, entirely. And she was finally here, in his arms. The black haired man just hoped that this wasn't a dream and that he won't wake up alone in the cold bed.

The black lines were still wrapped around her body beautifully. She was stunning.

He entered her slowly while he tasted the sweetness from her lips. She hugged him tight, bringing his body as close as she could.

"I love you!" she told him while looking into his eyes. He felt the tears threatening to spill.

"I love you too!" his voice cracked while he was caressing her cheek.



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