Chapter 23 - The tool

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"Growth in love comes from a place of absence, where the imagination is left to it’s own devices and creates you to be much more then reality would ever allow." - Coco J. Ginger

*One week later*

Sakura opened her green eyes, looking around the room. She was currently in a spooky laboratorator, laid on a table. There was quite dark, the only light coming from the weird big tubes with green liquid. It sent shivers down her spine. On the table near her, were bottles with different liquids: green, yellow, purple. Where was she? She can't remember anything, not even her name.

Her head started pounding, sending the vibrations through her entire body. She groaned, raising a hand to her forehead. She massaged it slowly but with no use.

The door was slammed open and inside stepped a man with glasses and brown hair who wore a white lab coat. Next to him was a man with pink-greyish hair who wore a creepy smirk as he eyed the pinkette from head to toes.

"Who are you? Where am I?" her voice echoed through the lab. She tried to move but every inch of her body hurt. She looked down at her skin and observed that she was covered in bruises.

"Ah, I see that you are awake." the pink haired man fake laughed. "Do not worry. We will help you with your memory." something from inside her mind told her that it was something sketchy about them. The man turned towards the doctor, she assumed.

"So tell me again how this thing works."

"We injected the liquid into her veins. It produces memory loss, every little detail of it. She's like a new person whose brain can be made again." he smiled being proud of his work but his smile faded as he remembered the flaw that couldn't be avoided. "But there is something that we couldn't help. A powerful memory, something like a kiss from a significant other can trigger something in her brain, making it react and disolve the substance, giving her back her old self." he looked at his feet disappointed.

"Can't this be solved?" the pink haired man asked. The doctor shook his head.

"No, it can't. But this is why I created another liquid and injected it into her.  It reacts to body warmth. When this increases, the substance is released burning her brain and flesh from inside like the acid. But that warmth has to come from inside, which means that reacts only to that warmth created by a strong feeling that can be given by such things as kissing. It won't damage her to kill her, but the pain would be so unbearable that she would stop any action leading to that and make her think twice the next time." he explained, being proud of such an achivment.

The Haruno man took some steps until he reached the table that she was sat on. He offered his hand, helping her back on her feet. At first, she stumbled.

"Your name is Sakura Uchiha. You live in a powerful and important village called Konoha, being the wife of the Sixth Hokage, Itachi Uchiha. The Hokage is the strongest shinobi from the village, and the leader." her eyes widened in shock. She was that important? But then... How she got here?

"You have two twins. But it doesn't matter since your main task is to wipe the Uchiha clan, including your kids." she gasped at his words. What he said was wrong, but she she didn't feel anything. For her kids, for her husband. What happened to her?

"For now, you are just our tool. Itachi Uchiha, your husband, killed your mother and left you motherless with a drunk father who sold you to a brothel. That's how you met your husband, he rescued you."

"Why he killed her?" the pinkette asked with no emotion in her voice. She couldn't understand why she didn't feel anything, not even for her mother.

"That's up to you to find out. For now, we will train you hard to become an even better shinobi than your husband. You must be cold hearted and ready to kill anyone without mercy. Moreover, you have to be a good strategist in order to not get yourself killed until you finish your task. After that, we will give back your memories." he smiled devilishly. "It's all for the grater good since the Uchihas are a cursed clan who almost started a war on your own village."

She frowned at his words. He was right. Someone responsible for such atrocities should pay with blood. She raised her gaze full of hatred towards the man who explained her mission. "I'm ready!"

He chuckled.


Itachi woke up in the middle on the night, going to the kitchen and searching for the bottles of sake that he stored. In the past week he started to drink heavily, downing himself in the bitter liquid. He missed his wife dearly and it was the only way to cope. His heart was broken and every cell of his body hurt. Her memories kept hunting him in his sleep, her pretty face with her big green orbs and her pink long hair, her gentle smile and the melody of her innocent laugh. He assigned all the ninjas to look for her, he didn't care if the village was attacked and he would die. His life was meaningless without her. But there were the twins... The only part of her that he had left. His treasure. She would want him to protect them. Yes, that's what he'll do, protect them until she comes back. She has to come back.

He drank bottle after bottle until he was too drunk to stand on his legs. He slipped on the kitchen floor and fell, hurting his back. He groaned. He crawled across the floor until he got to rest his back on the wall, letting his head back.

"Sakura, please... Come back to me." he sobbed. The salty tears fell on his cheeks. His vision was blurry and he could see her figure smiling down at him.

"What are you doing on the floor, silly?" her figure bent down chuckling. That sound warmed his heart. He smiled at her. "Come on now, let me help you."

He reached her cheek, caressing it softly with his fingers. He felt his heart drumming in his ribcage.

"Sakura, I love you so much..." her image disappeared, being replaced by the image of his empty kitchen. He hit his head on the wall, letting out a scream of pain.

"Please, come back." his voice broke as he held tight the empty bottle.

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