Chapter 12 - Give up everything

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"That was when the world wasn't so big and I could see everywhere. It was when my father was a hero and not a human." - Markus Zusak, I am the messenger

"She's pregnant." Ino finished with a big grin on her face.

Itachi's eyes widened in shock. The hallway fell silent as everyone was watching Ino.

"Wow, I wonder which one of them got her pregnant." Izumi mumbled.

Ino disappered back into Sakura's room, leaving the families alone.

"What?" Fugaku asked confused.

"I made some research on her."

"Izumi don't." Sasuke warned her, his voice stern.

"Why, Sasuke? They must know. Sakura is a whore. She works at a brothel. One of her clients probably got her pregnant, why is everyone so shocked?" she said with disgust in her voice. Fugaku stared at nothing in particular, thinking. Itachi gritted his teeth and clentched his fists. He couldn't stand hearing someone talking abiut her like that. It wasn't her fault that she was born unlucky.

"Izumi, shut the fuck up or I'll make you do so." he said with venom in his voice, trying not to punch her in the face. Her mother gasped at Itachi's words full of hatred. He never cursed and he held his temper well, but this time something was changed about him. His anger was at a dangerously high level and he could explode any minute now. Izumi started to tremble, the corners of her eyes itching. Her mother put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

Fugaku analyzed the situation and he had a theory but he had to speak to his son before he jumped to conclusions.

"Itachi, we're waiting for you at home. We have to talk." he told him calmly. Itachi just nodded. They all started to leave and he exhaled the air that he was holding.

He slowly opened the door, afraid that he will disturb her sleep. Ino got up from the chair and turned towards him, giving a smile that told that she understands him. She got out of the room, leaving the two of them alone.

He slowly got closer to her, and dropped to his knees near her bed. He took her hand in his, sqeezing it like his life depended on it. Tears started to flow from his eyes. His sobs were the only thing heared in the silent room.

"I am sorry. I am sorry that I couldn't find you earlier to take you out of your misery. It's my fault."

He choose to blame himself for every little thing that happened to her. Everyone was pushing her aside and considered her unworthy like a subhuman.

"You don't deserve this. Their hateful words, they hateful glares. You did nothing wrong." his voice cracked.

"Why must your life be so unfair? Why this all happens to such a kind heart like yours who only offered love but asked nothing in return?" he burried his face on her tigh, in the white sheet that covered her. He still held her hand firmly never wanting to ler her go.

"You deserve all the love in the world and even though you'll have all my love, it's still not enough." his tears were soaking the white sheets.

"I promise you, I will never hurt you or let anyone hurt you ever again... Or our child." he caressed the material that was covering her flat belly.


Sakura slowly opened her eyes and was met by a white ceiling and the smell of a hospital. She slowly turned her head and saw Itachi sleeping with his head on her tigh, one of his hand holding hers firmly.

She used her free hand to caress his hair. He opened his eyes and looked up at her.

"Did I wake you?" she asked in her raspy voice. He shook his head. His eyes were puffy like he cried for hours. She caressed his cheek, looking into his mesmerizing tired eyes.

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