Chapter 18 - Miracle

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"Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers--strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength." - Barbara Katz Rothman

*One month later*

Sakura was helping Itachi sorting the scrolls and papers since she had nothing better to do. It was boring to sit at the compond all day and sleep or eat. She ate a lot the past month, so much that she thinks she really got fat. Itachi had to tell her everyday how beautiful she is, not from obligation, but to calm her down and make sure that she knows that no matter how her apparence will change, she'll still be his Sakura. He was so thankful that she choose to sacrifice her body, her time, her emotional stability just to make him happy. He didn't know how could he ever repay her.

She put two scrolls in a box and turned around with a big grin which disappeared in a second. A terrible pain shot through her body and she saw a fluid dipping on her leg. She put a hand on her big belly and bent forward a bit.

Itachi dropped on the floor everything that he was holding and ran to her with a scared expression.

"Sakura, what's happening? Is everything alright?" he asked panicked putting his own hand on top of hers. She was breathing heavily.

"My water broke. Itachi, it's time..." she said as calm as she could. He already was panicked enough. His eyes widened in fear. The time flew so fast. It's like yesterday he went after her to confort her and then... Ok, Itachi. Focus.

He picked her up bridal style. She already had droplets of sweat on her forehead.

"Wh-what are you doing?" she said in her weak voice. Her throat was dry and sore.

"Taking you to the hospital." he answered calmly but inside, he was screaming. Of fear, happiness? He couldn't tell.

He opened the window of the Hokage's office and jumped out to gain more time. His grip tightened on her tigh and his body started to tremble sightly.

" 'tachi, it's alright." she murmured, putting a hand on his cheek. He jumped from building to building, focusing on arriving as fast as he could.

He slammed the door of the hospital open, using his leg.

"My wife's water broke." he screamed.

Everybody stopped what they were doing and watched them skeptically. The Hokage didn't have a wife, only a fiance. Honestly, not even him knew why he said that. His brain must be overwhelmed even though it never happened before in a situation of crisis.

Two doctors hurried and instructed him to follow them to an empty and clean room. He placed her on the white mattress.

"Lord Hokage, we have to ask to to leave."

Itachi gritted his teeth in anger. Sakura caught his wrist and shook her head, anticipating her boyfriend's reaction. She moved her eyes to the doctors.

"Please, I would like my husband to be here with me."

They exchanged glances and sighed defeated.

"Alright, if you think that he won't disturb you. But I have to warn you, Lord Hokage, her emotions will be on the edge."

Itachi just nodded. He can deal with it the same way he dealt with it nine months. He took a seat on the chair next to her bed.

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