S2. Dinner on White Day

Start from the beginning

Is that a threat? Souma sweat drops, looking up when he feels a rain drop on his forehead.

"Ayano made an effort in making you a whole load of chocolate last month. She only prepared that within less than a week. From experience, you should start preparing now," Saito continues to advice to the older.

"Sure, let's brainstorm for a plan.." Souma trails off as he now enters the dorm, closing the gates and doors behind him as he went inside.


Finally, the day of where Souma's surprise for Ayano had come.

Yes, it's finally White Day.

"Yukihira Souma! Are you an idiot? We have to practice for graduation!!" Arato Hisako exclaims after the redhead, clipboard at hand as she follows him in the hallways.

Souma just chuckles, grinning. "We're only gonna be second years. No big deal," he shrugs his shoulders as he goes down the stairs, "Plus we've practiced it more times than I can count. We got this."

"We practiced only three times, and graduation day is next month!" Hisako continues to shout at the male, wanting for him to get it through his thick skull that practice is very important for them.

"It's next month, we have plenty of time," Souma waved it off, and the two arrived at the first floor of the building.

Before Hisako could even continue any further on getting Souma's attention, she was stopped by a very cheerful student who blocked her way.

"I'm afraid that I'll have to stop you myself, miss assistant."

Nakiri Alice proudly stood in front of the pink haired female, arms crossed with a face that made Hisako immediately give up, knowing she had no chance in defeating Alice.

"Yukihira-kun for sure is going to visit his girlfriend," mused Alice, "So let's all give him the time he needs for her. You know that Yukihira-kun is impossible."

Now, with Souma, he mentally thanked the white haired Nakiri for covering for him. He didn't have time to stay still idly and chat with his friends when he has to do something for his girlfriend!

At the dorm, there's a mysterious black limousine at the front, and Souma knew that this was his ride.

The redheaded male goes in the dorm first, gathering his belongings, then telling Fumio he had to leave.

"Fumio-san, I'll be going now," bid the male, grinning to himself because of happiness.

"Mm," hummed the caretaker, "Tell her my regards, and that she should come visit us again from time to time."

"Sure thing," and with that Souma left the dorm, and into the black limousine.

Inside the limousine is the usual things that are there, but what or who seems to be there isn't much of a surprise either for Souma.

"Souma-nii, you ready?"

"Nervous. But ready."

So they journeyed to the place where they needed to go to, which is the Hirashima household.

It took quite awhile, but Souma and Saito were hitting it off well, talking as if they've been friends since before.

They chatted about many things, but it was mostly Souma asking about Saito, wanting to know more about the younger.

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