"Okay!" She giggled and went back to her colouring, again. A horn sounded from outside, signalling Aidan's arrival, my heart jumped to my throat as I gave Gabby one last kiss and went barrelling out of the kitchen.

"Bye Mum!" I shouted down the hallway as I raced towards the front door, trying not to trip over myself in my rush to get to Aidan. I didn't even hear her reply, if there was one, as I threw open the door and nearly came crashing into his solid chest.

"Woah there, Bri. In a rush?" He smirked and pulled me into his strong arms, crushing me into his chest before I had a chance to even open my mouth. His scent surrounded me, and I wrapped my arms around his waist as I let him envelop me in his warm embrace.

"I missed you so much," I murmured, pulling back a little bit so that I could look up at his face, running my eyes over every feature. His skin was glowing, and light freckles that hadn't been there before spattered his face, his dark dirty blonde hair was longer and he looked taller. His month in Australia had treated him well, it seemed. He grinned lopsidedly down at me and let me out of his arms, leaning down to place a firm kiss on my lips before placing a light one on the tip of my nose. My heart swelled at the contact.

"I got you a present." His green eyes sparkled as his hand snuck behind his back and came out with a small box, a lilac ribbon tied around it. He blushed and held it out to me.

"Wait, you actually shopped?" I teased, earning a grin from him, but took the delicate box in my hand.

"Can I open it now?"

He nodded excitedly, his dirty blonde hair falling over his bright green eyes that I could lose myself in, cheesy, I know, but if you saw Aidan, you'd understand why I think I'm the luckiest girl on the planet. I undid the ribbon and tucked it away in my pocket, knowing I would use it for something later on, maybe I'd do Gabby's hair with it. I lifted the lid of the box and found a beautiful silver necklace nestled in between light blue tissue paper, a single feather pendant hung from the chain, the feather was beautifully detailed.

"Oh Aidan, It's gorgeous." I breathed, picking up the pendant and holding it in my palm. I glanced up at Aidan to see him looking at his feet and rocking back on his heels. Emotional things weren't really his thing, so I was surprised to see that he was still standing there, to be honest.

"Yeah, well, I felt so guilty about not being here for our one year anniversary, and I saw it and I instantly knew it would look amazing on you." He grinned, getting his confidence back, "Here, I'll put it on."

He took it from me and turned me around, clasping the necklace at the back of my neck. I fingered the pendant, which sat just below the hollow of my throat. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love it. I love you." I grinned and stretched up on my tip toes to place a lingering kiss on his lips.

"I love you too, baby." He murmured into my mouth, before pulling away, "But we should go, the group will be waiting."

Aidan linked our hands and lead me towards the white jeep parked at the curb, spotless as ever. Sometimes I swear he loves that car more than he loves me. The scent of coffee hit me as soon as I got in the truck, and I saw a coffee mug in the centre console, Aidan grinned and handed it to me, laughing as I instantly started gulping it down, trying to feed my coffee addiction. Mum thought I was too young to be drinking coffee, so Aidan had been bringing me contraband beverages since we were 14, Mum was none the wiser.

"I see you're still a coffee addict," He grinned and pulled away from the curb.

"A month can't erase a lifelong addiction," I grinned back, pushing down the thoughts threatening to take over my mind.

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