Hidden World

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I would rather hear a thousand whispers than a comment

On how my words struck your body asphyxiated

I’d like to know that I beat the innocence out of your festering mind

Not because you told me so, but because I can see it in your eyes

With the way you no longer try to see

I would like to know that you lie in bed recalculating

The different ways I which I could have told you different

But knowing my way was best

I’d like to know that you rub my words back in forth in your hands like lotion

That you let them sink in like the titanic, that holds many stories

Each word holds many stories

I’d like to guess that you could read every story that I write for you

But there are more stories within the stories I have written, unwritten

Not even I have been able to read all I have told

I’ll thrust a book of run on words into reader’s faces and they’ll read each one

And all would resume what I have told them.*

Yet know nothing more than they did before

They already know what I have told them, they just didn’t know it could sound so bundled

In metaphors that hold a key to something deeper

How many people can unlock another writer’s world?

That holds meanings abyssal than anyone has thought of

Not one person can, not even the writer

Only the story.


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