🍋Baku/Deku: Grand Theft Bakugou 2/2

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"So I guess your fairy tale bullshit theory was correct." Izuku furrowed his brows in confusion. "About how we changed back I mean..." Even as smooth as Katsuki believed he was, he was having trouble phrasing how he wanted to rekindle their close relationship.

"Oh... you mean... Yeah! What were you doing before we switched back?" Izuku had a strong spark of interest, needing to know what change of heart Katsuki underwent that was enough to change them back.

"I was reading your notebooks..." Their eyes locked onto one another's and Bakugou smirked. "What were YOU doing?" Izuku's eyes widened, heat blooming in his cheeks.

"Uhhh... UHHHMMM!!!!" His panic continued to rise as Katsuki cornered him against the wall, trapped between his hands.

"I thought it was kind of weird when I woke up naked on the floor..." The fiery boy's face inched closer and Izuku shrunk into the wall, face contorted in fear. "...in front of the mirror..." Midoriya shut his eyes tightly, knowing he had been caught.

"I..." Izuku knew there was no way to hide it. He hoped against hope that if he would just confess, he might not be killed today. But before he had a chance to form a cohesive sentence, the words were stopped on his lips as Katsuki's mouth collided with his. Bakugou pulled back to gaze into his wide green confused eyes before smirking.

"You should have told me sooner..." He pulled the smaller boy close, steaming breath dangerously close to his ear. "Heh... Stupid Deku..." Izuku gasped, all his thoughts in a jumble. His face was so hot, he thought he might spontaneously combust. The way he said his name... it was just like the way he heard himself say it in Katsuki's room only moments ago. He had fortunately relieved the sexual tension so there was very little chance he'd get aroused again so quickly- 'Oh no! That wasn't actually my body though!'  This detrimental revelation occurred to him only after Katsuki had noticed his hardness poking into his leg. He looked him square in the eyes, crimson gaze both intimidating and arousing to the point of pain.

"I'm s-sorry! It- I –um!"

"Looks like it's already time to reconcile..."

"Wh-what do you mean?" Izuku squeaked with embarrassment. But Katsuki answered his question with a forceful kiss, resulting in Izuku's back slamming loudly against the door. The freckled boy finally melted into Katsuki's passion, allowing his tongue to take dominance. He could taste the reminiscing fractals of Katuski's cinnamon gum that he had chewed on the walk home from school. "Kacchan..." He sighed, returning the other's yearning embrace. In a swirling blushing haze, Midoriya had been lifted off his feet and thrown onto the bed. Katsuki's catlike pounce on top of him had followed immediately after.

Katsuki had a waterfall of emotions cascading through him all at once, and he needed to get them out somehow. He had fought theses feelings for so long that they now came pouring off his aura like wildfire. His eagerness and excitement was evident in his explosive movement, almost to the point of fumbling like a lovestruck moron. But he didn't care. At this moment, his Deku was his once more, and all was right with the world. All he wanted was to coax his praises again, needing to hear his name roll off those sweet soft lips. He lifted up Izuku's shirt, leaving affectionate kisses and love nips all over. The response was exactly what he wanted, squirming and sighing and moaning of his name, over and over in a mantra of desire.

The sight of it was overwhelming for Katsuki, and he simply couldn't fight the affection pulling at his heartstrings. He looked down at the panting boy beneath him. Oh, his blush was just too cute. It filled up his entire face, the perfect juxtaposition to his relaxing sea-green irises. It was not in Katsuki's nature to be patient, so he wasn't. He ripped open Izuku's uniform pants, not giving his frantically flailing hands time to stop him before he took his sensitive member in hand.

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