Chapter 17 *Shocking.

Start from the beginning

"M-my dad called."

He pursed his lips. "Liz," He sighed, closing his eyes as he began rubbing his temples.

"Max," I deadpanned, narrowing my eyes. "Do you know something I don't...?"

"What did he say...?"

"Don't go off topic!" I retorted.

His eyes widened slightly, then shoved his hands in his pockets. Katie, Leah and Alex quietly walked out.

"What do you know Maxwell, or I swear to whoever's up there I will kick your sorry ass," I hissed, growling a little at the end.

"I'd sit down, it's a long story,"

"I'll stand,"

He sighed again. "Okay. Long to short story is..." He pursed his lips, looking pained.

:: Max ::

How could I tell her?

"Well, how about I show you?" I got out.

She narrowed her eyes at me again.

"Fine," She growled, clenching her

teeth together out of what I guessed to be anger. I didn't blame her.

"First, you need to calm down. Your hormones are all outta whack," I put my hands calmly on her tense shoulders.

She glared at a spot on the wall behind me. By now her fists were white and shaking.

"Do you need to punch...?"

She nodded once.

:: Elizabeth ::

"Go at it. I'm not gunna break easily."

My anger immediately disappeared, replaced with pain in my heart. I brushed my now relaxed hand against his cheek.

"I could never hurt you, Maxy. You're too important,"

I couldn't help it. I crushed my lips to his, tangling my fingers in his beautifully soft hair.

He kissed my back, running his velvet tongue over my lip.

I let him in, and his tongue invaded my mouth.

"So... beautiful," Max got out as I bit down on his collar bone.

I rolled my eyes mentally, grinning. I then pulled away, resting my forehead on his, eyes closed, caressing his cheek with my hand once again.

He kept his arms around my waist, holding me tightly against him.

"You wanna get outta here?" Max asked softly.

I nodded. "But, what about the movie? And the brownies?"

He smiled, brushing stray curl away from my face. "Forget about the movie. I know the whole thing by heart. And we can bring the brownies with us,"

"You know the whole thing by heart, but you still want to watch it?" I raised an eyebrow at him.


I grinned, rolling my eyes.

"I'll get the brownies, you just get in the car," He mumbled against my lips, giving me a quick peck before jogging off back to the kitchen.

I touched my lips gingerly.

Where did we stand now? Friends with benefits?

I grabbed my keys, walking out to my car and leaning my foot on the bonnet as I waited for Max.

:: Max ::

I grabbed the brownies, pitting them into a plastic container and locking the front door behind me.

I turned around, my heart rate accelerating when I saw Liz leaning against her busted old Bug.

She loved that car like Alex loved his.

"Hey there," I grinned at her

"Ooh! The brownies!" She squealed, pushing off her car and putting a brownie from my box in her mouth.

I rolled my eyes. "Well hello to you too,"

She looked up at me, then the brownies and back at me again.

"But the brownies were lonely," She pouted, as if she weren't cute enough already.

I slowly took the box from her. "And they have brownie friends to play with when they're bored,"

She smirked cheekily.

I rolled my eyes. "You're so sick minded!"

"You love me really," She said happily, jumping into her car and putting the keys in.

:: Elizabeth ::

"You have no idea," Max mumbled, getting into the other side.

Maybe keeping the secret of love wasn't the greatest idea - we were both hurting.


I drove without thinking - mostly from concentrating so hard to keep my tears inside and bottled up.

I drove from memory, not paying attention to anything but my thoughts of what our baby would have looked like, as the road in front of me continued to blur in front of me.

:: Max ::

Liz was in some sort of flashback I think. You know when someone has that faraway look when they're not really paying attention to anything around them? Well, that was how Liz looked at the moment.

"Liz?" I asked cautiously.

She didn't respond, but blinked absently, and turned into the parking lot.

After a few seconds, she blinked hard, shaking her head as she came back to reality.

"Liz?" I put my hand on her shoulder.

She jumped at my touch. "Y-yeah?"

"You alright?"

She nodded, but frowned. "Yeah, just shaken up,"

"I'll show you tomorrow. You need an anchor,"

She'd been doing that since she'd come out of the hospital - a faraway look as if-

She was thinking about the baby.

I mentally smacked my forehead.

"Liz, I know you're thinking about our baby-"

She scrabbled over to my side, burying her face into my shoulder as sob racked through her body.

My arms automatically wrapped around her. "Hush baby. It's okay, I'm here,"

I leaned into her, smelling only vanilla and salt from her tears.

That was it for me. I was leaving tomorrow - to let her heal from the pain I was causing her.

This was all my fault.

And I'd give her this one night to remember me by, until she'd healed of my stupid mistake.


I think I've just fallen in love with a fictional character :')


Max: But... Liz is hurting...

SkinnyLizzy: Dude, we are NOT in Twilight. Just confess your love for me! :D

Max: *walks away* -shifty eyes-

He Loved Me Since Forever *Heavily Editing*Where stories live. Discover now