29: "They want to kill you Nova."

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I ran to the door, opening just as Lucas turned around.

"Hey there!" He greeted, I moved aside, motioning for him to come in.

"Hey," I closed the door behind him.

"Nice place you got here," he complimented.


"Like I promised, here it is."

He took out the dvd from behind me, I smiled as I noticed the title.

The Breakfast Club.

"Yes!" I cheered. "This is my all time favorite movie." I added.

He chuckled, "now where can I pop this baby in?"

"The dvd player is right over there," I pointed towards the bottom of out t.v. "I'll go get the popcorn." I added.

It had been two months and Lucas and I had become really good friends, we're both in the same science and math class. Which only helped our growing friendship, along with our same interests. We liked the same movies, bands, and even books. It turns out Lucas is an avid reader just like me. And apparently that's hard to find in someone, especially in La Push. I love Jake, but he's not that big of a fan when it comes to books.

So having Lucas around is great, especially when Jake is on patrol and mom is hanging out with Tim.

It did take a while to convince Jake that Lucas is only a friend and that's all I see him as.

Jake insisted on coming over the first time Lucas and I arranged to hang out. I would have thought that it would backfire, but as it turns out. Jake really likes Lucas, they get along well and Jake promised Lucas he would help him with some engine troubles.

In the end it was all good.

I reached for the bag of popcorn, taking out a bowl and pouring it in.

I walked back to the living room, placing the bowl down and taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch from Lucas.

"Where's Jake?" Lucas asked.

"He's hanging out with some friends," I slightly lied. Jake is hanging out with friends, just not exactly "hanging out." He's on patrol again with Quil and Seth.

"How long have you guys been together?"

I leaned back, picking my legs up and bringing them to my chest.

"Almost nine months," I answered.

It began sinking in, nine months with Jake.

I smiled.

"And I'm still lonely." He sighed.

I laughed.

Just as the movie began the house phone started ringing, I got up to get it. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey loser it's Alex, is mom home?"

I rolled my eyes, "no she's out."

He groaned through the phone, "can you tell her my Summer plans were just cancelled so I'll be staying with you guys."

The thought of Alex spending a whole Summer with us mortified me, we only had two bedrooms and both were taken. I'd have to wake up to a half naked sleeping Alex on our couch, and his clothes all over the place. Not to mention the consist rude remarks he'd give me. Just the thought of it all is enough to make me want to run away.

"You can't!" I snapped.

"And why not? Don't you miss me you ugly skunk? We'd have so much fun together!" He tried convincing me.

Nova | Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now