chapter 77

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**Hey everyone! I will be writing on my laptop so lets see how this goes...**

Susan was standing in front of me, water covering every inch of her body. I would think the water was a mixture of tears, sweat, and most of all, rain. Her chest was rising up and down rapidly. She looked straight at me, her blood red eyes filled with sorrow. I didn't care what she did to me in the past. We are in the present and all that matters is Luke. I scram to my feet and run over to her, almost knocking her over in the process. I drape my arms over her, squeezing her tightly as if my life depended on it. She hesitated at first, but slowly put her arms around me. I needed her comfort and she needed mine.

"I'm sorry," she cried into my shoulder. It's been awhile since I talked to her and I am honestly overjoyed she's here.

"It's okay," I simply respond, choking on my tears. It's sad that it took one of my friends breaking and crashing to mend my relationship with the other, but apparently everything happens for a reason. Our long embrace finally breaks, my hand reaching for my eyes to wipe away the tears. A small smile finds it's way on my lips. Susan's presence was enough to make my day a little better.

A smile forms on Susan's face as well, a small laugh escaping her lips. "We can never catch a break." Susan says. It is the truth, we catch a break. Constantly being kidnapped, stalked, and hurt. Too many tragedies have made their way into our lives and completely turned them upside down. It seems as if you could trust no one, not even ourselves, but right now all I have is friends, a boyfriend, and brother I just found out existed so I might as well have some faith in them.

I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a man in a white coat, most likely the doctor.

"You guys are here for Luke Barkley right?" He asked us.

I nodded my head, nervous to hear the news about him. "Your friend is stable, but he does have a broken foot, torn ligament in the arm, a broken nose, fractured jaw, and of course many cuts and bruises." The doctor said like it was no big deal.

"It could have been worse," I thought to myself. I let out a breath of relief. At least it's all physical wounds.

"C-can we see him?" I questioned, my voice shaky.

"Yes, but he's under heavy sedation." The doctor informed us before walking away. We all looked at each other before walking into his room.

There Luke laid motionless, a blanket placed over his body. The sight brought tears to my eyes. He looked so broken these past days and now its really gotten to him. I walked over to his bed side, pushing some hair away from his bruised face.

"Hi Luke." I said through tears. So much has happened in the past week, more then I can comprehend. "I know you probably can't hear me, but I want to let you know that I forgive you." I told him.

Susan appeared on the other side of the bed, Niall standing behind me rubbing my back.

"He doesn't look awful." I commented, stroking Luke's hair.

"Yeah." Susan agreed.

A long silence took over us. All I wanted was for Luke to be okay.


I wake up, memories from yesterday flood into my brain. Luke is estimated to be in the hospital for about 2 weeks. He hasn't woken up yet, but I'm sure he will very soon.

Then it finally hits me. Today is the day I put my 'dad' away for good. Niall rolls around in his bed. We spent the night together again and I'm sure will be doing that until tour starts.

I glance at the clock to check what time it is. It's 8:32 and we have to be there at around 10:00. Well I guess I'll just get up now.

"Niall, get up." I whisper, placing my hand on his shoulder. He doesn't respond. I repeat this until I've had enough. I lean closer to his face. Maybe a kiss will get him up.

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