Chapter 56

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**So I made my choice to be descriptive***

Recap:I bring my hand up to his cheek and wipe it away. "You won't, I promise you."

As me eyes slowly start to close, the sliding doors open.

"Oh no." Niall says.

I turn my head to see who has entered. Oh no is correct.

Chapter 56

Mr.Smith was there with the others.

"No." I mumbled.

Niall quickly ran down one of the aisles with me in his arms.

"How?" I whispered to him.

He looked at me with worried eyes. "I don't know."

"Where is the injured girl." He spits at the girl. We watch from one of the back aisles, hidden from view.

"I-I don't know?" She stutters, tears pouring out of her eyes.

He grabs her and puts the gun to her head.

"JESS, IF YOU DON'T COME OUT, SHE WILL DIE!" He yells as it echoes throughout the store.

I look up at Niall. "Niall, I have to." I say to him.

I flip out of his arms and scurry down the aisle. I put myself in front of it. "Here I am." I surrender, wincing in pain.

He turns and chuckles in satisfaction. "There you are."

He drops the girl and heads over to me. My breath hitches as he grabs my wrist and tightens his grips.

"You will be punished." He says through gritted teeth. I don't make eye contact with him. His eyes are pure black and it looks like the eyes of Satan himself.

Niall comes out after he finishes his sentence. Why does he have to do that?

"Take me." He said, coming up to the front.

Mr.Smith shrugs. "Cuff him."

These big men come over and get him.

"Why?" I mouth to him.

"Because I love you." He mouths back. My stomach does jumping jacks.

I just realized that Luke and Tom have disappeared.

As they start to drag us out the door, gun fire goes off.

I quickly turn my head to see Luke and Tom. They get some of the men, but are soon grabbed by the others. There must be at least 20 people who work for Mr.Smith.

Sirens start to blare as we turn once more to face the door. It's about time. My vision gets fuzzy and black patches start to come into sight. I don't know if I'll wake up again.

(Niall's Pov)

Cop cars rush into the place as he pulls out. A loud bang is heard as we exit the lot. The car  immediately stops. Yes, the tires are blown out.

This time the FBI is here. Finally, it will all end.

"Shit!" Mr.Smith curses as he hits the wheel.

They start to exit the car, still holding us hostage. "ONE MOVE AND I WILL SHOOT!" Mr.Smith threatens, holding the gun on an unconscious Jessica.

The FBI and the town police close in on them.

"LET THEM GO OR WE WILL SHOOT!" One officer says through a megaphone.

One shot is fired and hits the man holding Tom. He falls to the ground. Tom grabs his gun. He aims at the person holding Luke, knowing Luke is more experienced than us.

Luke, just like Tom, quickly grabs the gun off the floor.

"It's over, let them go." Luke demands. I look over to Jessica. Her face is extremely pale. If she doesn't get medical help soon, she will die.

I get shivers from that thought. Silence overtakes us as everyone points a gun at someone. I try to break free, but I miserably fail.

"You can take me, but let her go!" I scream, trying to convince them.

I only get a cold cackle from Mr.Smith. "Not a chance." He remarks.

"She is going to die." I cry out. I realized that I'm being a distraction. Why aren't they taking a advantage of this?

He thinks for awhile,''Well-" A loud crack is heard. Mr.Smith falls and hits the floor. Now I'm the only hostage. Luke carefully runs over and grabs Jess.

He carries her bridal style to an ambulance. He looks confused, not sure if he should go in it. "Niall!" He calls, but I know the answer to his question.

"Go!" I call back.

He hops into the ambulance. The back doors close and it speeds out of sight. I hope to God that she will make it.

Now one more guy to take out and it's all over. That's weird, there was like 14 others that disappeared. I hope they don't return.

Anyway we can be normal, yet I still have that secret. That's another hope I have. That when I tell her. I hope we can work through it.

Just when I'm about to smile, my heart sinks to my feet. My face probably got really red in nervousness. Another car came and I don't think it's good.

**Just making it clear that the descriptive chapter will be coming later in. Vote and Comment**

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