Chapter 27

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Its been 1 month since Brooke gave birth.

Alyssa and Ashley both gave birth yesterday! Yes! At the same time!! Thats crazyy!

I was in Austin and I's room using my laptop. Austin was at the studio recording some songs.

I was in twitter and i saw that i had a mention. It was from Austin.

"I love @ayeitsalexa so much."

I RTed it and favorited. I replied and said "love you too!❤️"

I was looking at all the replies and some said:

"Aww you guys are cute!"

"Eww i dont like her."

"Auslexa forever!"

Yeah some replies were negative and some were positive. I love his Mahomies though. They support him so much. They love him.

I closed my laptop and went downstairs.

I saw Abi and Robert cuddling watching a movie. I decided to ruin the moment.

I went behind the couch and screamed "HEY LOVE BIRDSSS"

"You bitch!!!" Abi yelled.

"Sorry guys. Can i join?!" I asked them.

"Sure why not." Robert said. I sat beside Abi. We were watching The Conjouring. I love scary movies. Abi hates them. She's a scaredy cat.

Austin's POV

Right now i'm at the studio recording some songs! When i'm done recording i have to go pick up Brooke. Since she's Alexa's bestfriend, she's coming with me too the mall to pick out a promise ring for Alexa!

I want to give her a promise ring because i love her. Then i want to marry her and have beautiful babies with her!

I only have 1 more song to record and i'm out of here.




**At The Mall**

"So what kind of ring do you think she'll like?!" I asked Brooke.

"Hmm. She'll like the infinity one!" Brooke replies pointing to the ring.

"Really?!" I asked.

"Yess!!! Now buy it!!" Brooke said pushing me.

I went and bought it. I hope she likes the ring!!

Brooke and I are on our way to my house.

"Austin." Brooke said.

"Whats up?!" I asked her.

"I think you should take me home. Zach just texted me and said that he is having a little trouble with the baby!" She said.

I chuckled and said "okay"




Alexa's POV

Austin isnt home yet. He said he would be here by 2pm and its already 3. He's probably in the studio. No. Or he can be cheating on me. No. I know he isnt. Or is he? Ugh. Now i'm worried. Should i call him.

I grabbed my phone and started dialing Austin's number. Before i called i feel a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hi baby" Austin said. Finally he's home.

"Austin where were you?" I asked him worridley.

"Don't worry where i was. Just go and get dressed. Were gonna go out!" He said and pecked my lips.

"Nope. I'm not gonna get dressed until you tell me where were you." I said.

"Well if you don't get dressed then i'm not telling you." He said.

"Fine." I said. Gosh. He always wins. I ran upstairs to our bedroom and chose out my outfit. I didnt know where we were going so i chose a black skirt that stopped above my knees with a red v neck and my red toms.

I went in the bathroom and took a quick shower. I washed my hair.

I let my curly hair dry by itself and i changed into my outfit. I went to the bathroom and wore a eyeliner and lip gloss.

I went downstairs to the living room and Austin was all ready he was waiting for me.

"You're finally ready!!" He said. He stood up from the couch and kissed me. Everytime i kiss him i feel the sparks.

"Lets go!" He said.

*in The Car.*

"So where are we going?!" I asked curiously.

"It's a surprise! Can't tell you." He said as he looked straight at the road.

"Can you at least tell me how far away it is?" I asked. Honestly i hate surprises.

"We'll be there in 10 minutes!" He said looking a his watch.

Austin's POV

I'm taking her to olive garden. Thats my favorite place and thats her favorite place.

She kept asking me where we were going but i didn't tell her. We arrived at olive garden and Alexa said "OMG i love olive garde!"

"I know thats why i brought you here!" I said and smiled. Before she can say anything else i hopped out the car and jogged over to her side. I opened the door for her.

Before we went inside she kissed me. I kissed back. Then i held her hand and walked in.

*at OG*

"Table for two" i said to the lady standing infront of us.

We found table and Alexa sat across frome me. We were sitting in a booth.

"Austin. Thanks for bringing me here!" Alexa said with a huge smile on her face.



We ate our food. Now it was time to give her our promise ring. I hope she likes it!

We went outside. Before she got in the car i said "Alexa. Wait."

"What happed?!" She asked. "Come over here." I said and she walked over to me.

"You know i love you sooo much." I said as i stroke her hair.

"Yes i know and i love you too!" She said and kissed my cheek.

"Okay so i want you to have this." I said and her face expression looked different. She was shocked.

"Austin." She said, but then i said "i'm not asking you to marry me. Its a promise ring. We'll be together till the day i ask you to marry me. And we will never cheat on each other."

Her face expression changed again. But this time she had a smile on her face. She didn't say anything. She hugged me really tight and i hugged her back.

Then she kissed me. Our lips fit perfectly together. Then i gave her the ring.

"Austin this ring its beautiful. I love you so much." She said.

Well this night went well. I love her so much. I just want to marry her already.

By the time we got home its was 9pm.

We cuddled all night and watched netflix.


A/N: oooh!!!! He bought her a ring!!!💍💍

Only 3 more chapters left of this fanfic!!!

But i'm gonna start a new fanfic! Its gonna be way better and now i'm getting better at writing! 😏

So i hope you guys liked this chapter!

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