Ch.4- The Basement

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Alexa's POV:

I wake up. Everything is dark. I can't remember anything. All i remember is walking down a street and thats all.




Then i realized my hands and feet were tied to a chair with ropes. I couldn't move and i had a rag covering my mouth. I tried to scream but nobody could hear me.




I heard footsteps and my heart was pounding very fast.

Somebody opened the door and i saw a bright light shining in the room from the door. I was in a basement.

"Ha i see your awake!" a heard a voice say.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" i asked.

"First tell us who you are and give us the box you picked up." i heard a guy say.

i didn't answer.

There was silence for a minute, then someone turned the lights on.

I saw 2 tall guys standing in front of me. NO WAY! It was Zach and Robert!

"You guys are from my school." I said to them in a nervous way.

"we don't give a fuck....Just tell us your name and give us the box and you'll be free to go." Robert said with a bad ass attitude.

"What box are you talking about?" i asked.

"Stop acting like a bitch and give us the box." Zach said.

Before i could say anything i saw 3 tall guys walk in. It was AUSTIN and 2 other guys.

"I know you." Austin said. "You're that girl from school."

"Yes i am." i said in a low voice.

"Is your name Alexa?" Austin asked.

"Yeah." i said in a whisper but loud enough so he can hear me.

"Austin, Robert said that she doesn't want to give us the box." The guy with brown eyes and hair said.

"Alexa give us the box right now." Austin said in a stern voice.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about." i said. But i did know what they were talking about. I just didn't tell them i had it because i knew i'd get into a lot of trouble. Jade told me that 'The Crew' were bad.

"Alex, Zach, Robert, and Tyler, please get about. Let me talk to this bitch alone." Austin said.

When he said that i rolled my eyes and i felt like beating the shit out of him.

They all got out. Except for Austin.

He got close to me and he said "I like your eyes."

When he said that all i said was "please let me go."

"Not until you give us the box" Austin said.

"You fucking idiot. Don't you understand that i don't have that shit." i yelled.

"Don't fucking yell at me you little bitch." Austin yelled at me.

I stayed quiet.

"Look. I'm going to let you go. But this isn't over. Watch your back. Don't tell anybody about what happened here, or things will get worst." Austin said as he untied the ropes that were around my feet and hands.

"Okay thanks." i said in a very low voice that i think he didn't here me.

Austin walked me upstairs and took me to the door.

"Do you want a ride." he asked.

All of a sudden he was being nice. He was probably bipolar.

"No. i'll walk." i said. I don't want him to know where i live.

"Why don't you want a ride?" he asked.

"Because........YOU FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME." i said yelling.

"Calm the fuck down." he said in an angry voice.

"Fuck You." i said and made my way out the door. I knew exactly where i was. I was only 3 block away from my house. Shit. I thought. He lives so close to me.








i walked inside my house. All the lights were turned off. I made my way upstairs and into my bedroom. I took a shower and put my pi's on, and hopped into bed. I realized it was 12 am.

When i turned the light off, someone walked in. I couldn't see who it was.

"Alexa!!!!!!" Brooke said surprised. " Where were you? Me and Nathalie have been worried sick."

I could tell her where i was cause i remember when Austin told me not to tell anybody or things would get worst.

"Oh i was just Walking around with Jade. Then she left and i explored San Antonio!" I told Brooke. Wow i felt so guilty not telling her the truth. But i couldn't tell her. Someday i will.

Brooke gave my a weird look but said "Ok. Well good night and see you tomorrow morning o we can got to school."

"Ok good night!" i said back.

I turned the lights off. But i couldn't go to sleep. Everything that happened to me today was

on my mind. I really wanted to go to sleep.

Tomorrow is Wednesday and i have to go to school. My second of school.

I kept thinking about today and then i drifted off to sleep.


A/N: so i hope you guys like this chapter! Please vote! Like and comment! You guys can follow me on instagram @oh_schmidt_its_mahone or twitter @RushOmie01 !!!

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