Ch.20- Confused

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Austin's POV

I haven't seen Alexa since that day she saw me with Jessica. I've been calling her all week but she doesn't answer. I've also been texting her.

I guess i'll see her when i go to my concert in Texas. Oh and i got signed! I'm happy.

But when i go to Texas, i'm gonna try to fix things with her because i love her.

"Austin!" I heard Alex yell my name.

"What?" I yelled back. I was in my room and he was in the living room.

He didn't answer. Instead he walked in my room and then he said "Lets go get something to eat. I'm hungry."

We went to Subway. Then i met a few Mahomies and i took pictures with them.

"Austin!" This one Mahomie said.

"Yeah?" i said with a smile.

"Remember that girl you tweeted like 4 weeks ago?" she asked me.

"Yeah Alexa." I said.

"Are her and Robert dating?" She asked. When she asked that question i was so confused. they can't be dating.

"Why do you ask that?" I said. I didn't have a smile on my face anymore.

The girl pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of Alexa and Robert hugging outside Alexa's house.

"No they aren't." I said and then i got in my car and drove home with Alex.

When I got home i called Alexa non stop. But she wouldn't answer. I'll just wait till tomorrow when i go to Texas (A/N: When he goes back to Texas, its May 2nd!).

Alexa's POV

Today is May 2nd and Robert and I are still dating. Its Saturday and i have nothing to do, so i'm just going to stay home and call Robert so he can over and watch movies with me.

I love Robert, but i think i still have feelings for Austin. Right now i'm so confused.

Zach and Brooke went on a date, and Abi is upstairs in her room. Yes Abi lives with me now. We're like best friends.

I called Robert and he said he's going to be here in 5 minutes.

I wanted to look nice so i put my hair up in a high pony tail, i wore my black sweats with long sleeved red shirt and my socks! When i was done getting ready the door bell rang.

I quickly ran to the door and opened it.

"Hey baby." Robert said and kissed me. He didn't even let me say hi! I kissed back and he was asking for entrance. I let him. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and he explored. Then i pulled away and i told him to come in.

"So lets watch a movie!" I said.

"Or we can do something better!" He said with a smirk on his face.

Oh gosh. I don't know if i can do it again. Yes i know i did it with Austin but i just can't right now.

"Umm Robert i d-don't know." I said as i stuttered.

"Oh come on Please." He said as he pouted.

He didn't let me talk. Just grabbed my waist and started kissing me. Then he pushed me to the couch and he was on top of me. He started kissing my neck and i moaned.

All of a sudden we hear someone say "Alexa, Robert?"

We looked over to the door and Austin was standing there. What was he doing here.

Me or Her? (Austin Mahone FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon