"Girl please, like Jerry didn't do anything he didn't deserve today." I said angrily.

"He didn't bitch. He told the police and all of us that you wanted to fuck him one night and he refused, but you pushed him into doing it and said you'd say it was rape-"

"Bitch are you serious?!" I asked. "Why would I go after him when I have what I need?"

"Maybe because, umm, you're a damn unconfident ugly ass hoe? That's about right?"

"YOU BITCH!" I said about to jump this girl before Clark held me back. I don't give a care anymore, I'll get suspended too.

"Baby calm down, she's not worth the ass-whooping." he continued whispering to me as I screamed in anger, trying to claw him off of me. 

"Run away like the scared bitch you are!" she yelled.


"Exactly why yo' man don't want you!"


"Stupid bitch!" she said.


I got out of Clark's arms and ran back as she turned grabbing her blonde tracks out of her head, yanking her to the ground. She yelled, 'bitch get the fuck off of me hoe' multiple times as as Dalton and Scotty were running to help her before I gave them a death glare. 

I punched the bitch in her face, more effort towards her jaw, and knocked her out. It's not like we were in the school technically, so it's no problem to me. I continued to pound her face with my fists like an angry gorilla fighting for territory.  

I eventually got pulled off as she regained consciousness. 

She was crying. If I wasn't so nice, I'd really give her something to cry about. A broken fuckin leg would've been worth crying about. For her to treat me like this made me realize how fast it was for people to switch up.

We been through a lot together. Ranging from her abortion to meth addiction; Nicole isn't who everyone thinks she is. I walked with Clark to my car before security or anyone could stop me.



I can admit that what she did was hot. It was a major turn on because it showed me that was brave and could hold her on. 

She kept her hands on the steering wheel gazing forward at the light traffic.

"Why are you staring at me?" she asked. Was I? Yep, I was.

"You're really hot."

"Gee thanks." she sarcastically said.

"You know I think you're beautiful but what you did there, that was hot Bren." I said placing my hand on her thigh.

"Want me to take you home?"

"Nahh, can I come over?"

"It's probably a bad idea but I don't care anymore." she slumped. It made me a bit sad to see her expression; disappointment, anger, pain, and maybe guilt. 

We drove quietly to her home and got out the car to enter her home. She set her keys on the counter and went upstairs where I followed. I sat on her bed while she went to the restroom to change. Coming out, she straddled my lap and we laid down.

I stroked her small hairs on her arm and kissed her head. "I really love you."

"I love you too,"

"I mean I love you more than you imagine. Each time I say it, it feels stronger and stronger to me. Do you feel that energy shared when you say it?" I asked her.

"I actually do. It's weird but I love you to death and just want to run away with you into the sun. Not physically of course." she laughed.

"I wish we can run away from all this havoc. Remember when we first kissed at the park?"

"It wasn't really a first kiss Clark, you had a girlfriend at the time and I wanted to kiss the shit out of you since we met."

"So you didn't mean it when you called me nerd at our study sessions?"

"Oh I did-" she started before her phone interrupted us. She reached over me and grabbed her phone from the stand reading a text or something before it beeped again.

"Meg says she misses me and she's not allowed to hang out until Summer because of her drunk night. And-" she started looking over the other text.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked.

"My dad cancelled our trip to Paris in the Summer,"

I was kind of selfishly happy because it gave me time to spend with her all Summer but I knew she wanted to go there.

"-he's gonna send me to my aunt's house for almost all of it." she said sitting up.

"What?! He can't fucking do that!" I said.

"I have no choice Clark-"

"Well why can't we run away in the sun like you said?!"

"I was thinking of it Clark, you know we don't have a place to go if we ever ran away."

"Stay with me then in the Summer, tell them you are at your aunt's-"

"But my aunt won't cover for me no matter how close we are."

"Just take a chance, we have a few months until Summer and prom is right around the corner. I just don't want to be apart from you that long Bren." I said squeezing her.

"Okay okay, I understand. I just feel like it's risky."


Maybe I Like Her [Interracial(B.1/2)]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin