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"um...could i maybe..."

"just sit down." sei rolled their eyes, pulling an earbud from their ear.

pen cleared her throat and pulled a seat. 

"about last weekend--"

"what about it?"

"if you'd let me get a word out." pen clenched her teeth.

"i think that we shouldn't let what happen change our relationship. we had sex, but that doesn't mean we can't be the same as we were before."

sei scoffed,"yeah okay."

they put the earbud back in their ear and closed their eyelids.

pen scoffed next. 

what happened in the storage room was all she had been able to think about. it nothing like she'd ever experienced. 

not that she had much experience to begin with.

pen looked at sei, who didn't seem the least bit affected by how quickly their clothes were off the second they were behind closed doors.

pen reached across the table, and tugged at the cord, the earbuds falling from their ears.

sei's eyes flew open.

"what the hell is wrong with you!"

people nearest of the two turned to see what was going on.

"why won't you talk to me, sei?" pen whispered, just wanting everyone to mind their business.

"because i don't want to fucking talk! why do you have to be so clingy and so frustrating. and ask so many questions. just shut up for once in your life!"

pen blinked back tears.

without a word spoken, she grabbed her bag and walked away. 

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