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"but why are you even mad, pen? you ask ten times more questions than her, so why get upset over one simple question?"

pen's sister tapped her bottom lip with her fingertips, leaning closer.

"it just felt suffocating. drawing is my safe space and i don't want anyone taking that away from me."

"well, perhaps she could be your muse." her eyebrows wiggled.

pen's face flushed,"no, i'm good. it was just weird how the day before she couldn't bother being nice to me. the next day she wants to know my hobbies and interests?"

"stop overthinking it. she just wants to know you. is not a bad thing. now let's stop talking about you. i want to talk about me now."

pen rolled her eyes.

"oh right! how's howie?"

"well, we're not really together, but since we had sex, he thinks we're official. now, i have to deal with him popping up in my dorm room after class. you know this is all your fault."

up until she said it, pen forgot that lo was in a tiny dorm room, and not on the other side of the wall.

"how! i only suggested that you see what he's made of before you completely judge him."

pen felt the words thrown back in her face, but ignored it, looking at her sister from her dusty computer screen.

"yeah i saw alright. but i should've just went with my gut and continued going about my life."

"you were leading him on! i did you both a favor. i mean, at least not you anymore." 

lo's head tilted to the side, her purple dyed hair falling from her shoulders,"you think?"

pen's shoulders reached her ears, a sheepish smile forming on her face.

she heard what sounded like knocking on a hollow box.

"hey, i have to go. i think my roommate's back from her date. i'll talk to you later. okay pen?"

"sure. love you."

"love you."

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