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"what kind of party?"

pen asked, taking a bite out of the almond butter and jelly sandwich she brought from home.

"it's a formal party that my dad was invited to by his boss. you kind of have to come."

sei tried to focus on both the clever wordplay of the rapper and keeping their nerves under control.

"why do i have to come?"

sei's leg started bouncing and the table started shaking.

"because you do. do you want to come or not?"

sei was starting to regret even asking the curious girl to come to an event in which their equally curious father would also be at.

"i guess i'll come if i don't have anything to do." pen shrugged.

she knew she didn't have any plans ever, but she had to act as if she was a productive person.

"you'd probably have to give me something to keep in contact with you." sei suggested.

the table began to shake a little more faster, alerting the people around the two's table.

"i'll give you my number."

pen reached into her bag to find a piece of paper to write on.

"no one even communicates through anything but social media anymore." sei commented.

"yeah, i know. i don't really like social media. it just invites everyone into your life."

"i get that."

pen continued shuffling through her bag, not finding anything remotely close to paper besides gum packaging.

she shrugged and ripped the flap, writing her number on it.


sei didn't even look at it, and just placed it in their pocket.

"and you say that the party is formal right?"

sei's pulled their bottom lip into their mouth, biting on the piercing.

pen looked directly down at the sandwich in her hands, taking a bite out of it.


sei tried to imagine pen in something rather than her regular wardrobe of a hoodie and jeans.

"well, i guess i'm going shopping tonight," pen quickly caught herself, the moment she noticed the smirk forming on sei's lips.

"not that i'm going or anything."

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