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"how about that seat, huh?"

sei gestured for her to take the chair, even if they hadn't heard her say it with the earbuds in their ears.

pen let her just microwaved lunch grow cold as she looked at sei. they didn't even look up from their lap, bobbing their head to their music.

pen decided not to ask any questions, picking at her spaghetti squash. 

some boy with curly brown hair came up to the table, and nudged sei's shoulder.

"hey, you wanna go hoop?" he jutted his thumb behind him.

pen raised a brow.

she knew that sei was tall, but it hadn't crossed her mind that they played basketball.

she wondered how good they were.

"yeah, sure." 

pen felt her stomach drop when sei got up, grabbing their bag from the dusty floor.

"wait, you're not gonna sit here today?"

sei faced pen, scratching the side of their face.

"no, i guess not."

and then sei and the boy walked away.

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