The end.

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Lauren had been hopelessly moping around the studio for 4 days now. She had heard nothing from Y/N, and her phone hadn't been on either. Y/N had contacted Dinah to tell her that she was okay, but they hadn't spoken properly. Her vocals were no way near as good as they were and she was dragging the other girls down with her mood.

Y/N had had two days at school and it was already kicking her ass. She had several assignments and with everything happening with Lauren, she was barely holding it together. Next week Y/N would be starting her job at Walmart, which was extra stress but she needed the money. She managed to find someone who was looking for a roommate on campus at a cheap price which she would manage with her wages from the store. Lauren never left her thoughts, but it wasn't all positive. Y/N's heart was in pieces.
"Hey Mary, how much will rent be a month?"
"Well at the moment I'm paying £300 for this dingy little room, so £150."
"Perfect. I'll pay you monthly every time I get paid."
"That's cool."
Y/N and Mary had become very quick friends and they were already going to classes together and sharing things.
"Who's that on your lock screen?" Mary asked.
"Oh, it's my fiancee. Ex-fiancée."
"I'm so sorry, what happened?"
"She cheated. I forgot to change it, it happened like 5 days ago."
Y/N sat on her bed and Mary sat next to her.
"Oh man that sucks."
"Yeah. I haven't spoken to her since and I don't intend to."
"Oh right. What's her name?"
"Lauren, Lauren Jauregui."
"As in Lauren Jauregui from that girl group?"
"Yes, that's the one."
"I saw that video of her and her fiancée talking about getting engaged in Japan. That was you!"
"Yeah." Y/N smiled at the memory, but her smile was soon replaced with a scowl.
"Sorry." Mary said, putting her hand on Y/N's shoulder.
"It's okay. Wanna know what else? You see your poster?"
"Selena Gomez, yeah!"
"We were roommates before we moved to America."
"No way!"

Y/N decided to FaceTime call Selena to see if she's reply, but Mary was unaware as she had gone off to sort out her books for next lesson.
"Hey, how's it going?" Y/N asked when Selena's face popped up on the screen.
"It's going great! I haven't heard from you in ages. How's Lauren?"
"Uh, that's not happening anymore but I'll tell you more later. There's someone I want you to meet!"
"Okay, bring 'em!"

Mary looked confused as Y/N told her to come over.
"Mary, look here."
When Mary saw who was on the screen, she nearly passed out which sent Y/N into a fit of giggles.
"Oh my god! You're Selena Gomez! I'm such a fan!"
"Nice to meet you cutie. I'm just in the studio!"
Whilst Selena and Mary started talking, Y/N began to tidy up around the room and put the small teapot on to make coffee before their morning of classes. Mary studied Philosophy, Maths and Bio, so they had most lessons together. The clock stroke 9 and the girls had to be at their class at 9:15 so they decided to end the call with Selena to get to their lesson.
"Bye talk later!" Y/N said before hanging up.
"Wow. That was surreal. You are the best roommate ever!" Mary exclaimed, clutching her heart.
"Haha you're welcome. Now let's go to Philosophy. Mr Lang will kill us."
"True." laughed Mary as they both left the room.

Lauren started to cry as she listened to Normani sing, 'Don't say you love me'. Her heart ached. She had ruined one of the only good things in her life. "Lauren, come on. You hurt her, remember?"
"Thanks for the reminder Dinah" Lauren replied bitterly, stepping into the booth and putting the headphones on.

Y/N dedicated herself to her work and the drum lessons she had invested in, so she wouldn't have time to think about Lauren. Mary was a massive help and a great distraction from it all. Y/N had destroyed her old phone as it was a reminder of all the pain she went through. She bought a phone and didn't download any social media, as it was a constant reminder of her and Lauren.

Y/N knocked on the door to Dinah's apartment. Dinah hugged Y/N so tight, and Y/N's walls came down. She started crying, and soon Normani, Ally and Camila came to the door to see what the commotion was. Turns out they all needed a break from Lauren and her depressive mood.
"I came to say goodbye. Lauren and I are broken up and I'm just focusing on the future. I'll probably see you around but I'm going to avoid Lauren and this general area."
"We understand Y/N. How are you?" Camila asked, bringing Y/N in for a hug.
"I've been managing. I've been investing myself in work and school work and also drum lessons as I need as many distractions as possible. I don't stop."
"Take care of yourself Y/N."
"Thanks Al."
Normani didn't really say anything but hugged Y/N, which produced a few tears. Normani and Y/N were the closest.
"Bye guys." They all shared one last group chat before Y/N walked out the door, going back to Mary and the beginning of Y/N's new life.

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