I love you.

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Y/N hadn't really been very talkative since Lauren and her had sat, crying. Lauren hasn't tried to get anything out of Y/N in case something set her off again, but she knew they had to talk about it.

That morning, Y/N seemed to be in a cheery mood, the best she had been since their heart wrenching moment. Lauren didn't want to burst Y/N's bubble of happiness, but it had to be dealt with so it didn't happen in the future.
"Y/N, baby, come here?" Lauren called as she sat down on the sofa. Y/N waddled into the room in her pyjamas and slippers and sat down next to Lauren, nestling her head against her neck.
"I know you probably don't want to, but we need to talk about what happened the other day."
Y/N tensed and went silent for a bit, before mumbling something.

"Y/N please, I love you and I don't want you to get hurt."
Lauren froze when she realised what she had said, and Y/N sat up and looked at her.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say it so, I mean you don't have to say it back. I'm sorry. "
"Lauren, stop. I love you. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. I love you more than there are stars in the sky. I love you, and I won't ever stop. I love you, so so much."
Lauren had tears in her eyes, and Y/N too.
"I know I need help, but I will get it in my own time, when I feel ready. All I need you to do is treat me like I'm human. Treat me normally."
"I will. I will do anything to help. I love you, and I plan to love you for a long time. I'm going to be here, through everything. I promise." said Lauren, rubbing circles on the back of Y/N's hand with the pad of her thumb.

Selena came downstairs ten minutes later, of course waking up late.
"What's up, love birds" chirped Selena, who always luckily seemed to be in good mood in the morning.
"I love Lauren." Y/N said bluntly, which made her roommate turn around and stop dead in her tracks.
"I love Y/N." Lauren added, which made Selena hold her hand to her chest and the other to her forehead and swoon dramatically.
"oh! my! gosh! You guys are so cute!" Sel exclaimed, very exciting that they both seemed happy and to add, they were super adorable too.

That day, Lauren and Y/N had a very lazy day, sharing stories and watching movies and videos. They began to feel closer than ever, and they both felt happier than ever too. In the back of her mind, Lauren feared the future, and how things would be when Y/N was brought back to reality, or something
about Kerry popped back up. For the time being, Lauren would not leave her side.

At 7pm, Dinah, Normani, Ally and Camila came round, Camila being forced by the others. They arrived with food and drink, their favourites.
"Hey! How are you?" said Ally, hugging Y/N as she walked into the door, and taking her shoes off like a good house guest.
"I'm good thank you, and you?" said Y/N, cheering up even more now they had more company. Camila didn't say anything to her, which didn't bother Y/N as much as it did the last time. Dinah, of course, had made herself comfortable on the sofa and put her feet up already.

Lauren and Y/N sat, holding hands, in the corner of the sofa, Lauren sitting next to Normani and Camila and Dinah on the other small sofa. Y/N hadn't met the other girls that many times, so when Lauren got up to go get herself a drink, Y/N held onto her hand, pleading her with her eyes to not go.
"It'll be okay, yeah. I love you." whispered Lauren, unintentionally loud enough for the other girls to hear.
Y/N reluctantly let go of Lauren's hand and rejoined herself back into the conversation.

"Oh my god! You and Lauren are that close? You didn't tell us! You guys are so cute, you've already said the L word to each other! Awwww!" the girls comments, except Camila's, came in a massive bundle, bombarding Y/N.

Y/N hushed them, before telling.
"Yes, I love her so much damnit. She means everything to me, she's so cute, so adorable, so lovely. She's been there for me in this past week than anyone has in my whole life, and I intend on having her there for my whole life. She's so intelligent, so beautiful, so kind, gorgeous. I could talk about just the colour of her eyes all day and still have more to say about the rest. I want to marry her one day."
Y/N finished, noticing the girls were looking at Y/N in adoration, wiping fake, and some real, tears from their eyes. Little did Y/N know, Lauren was eavesdropping behind the door. Her eyes were filling with happy tears, and her heart was beating so fast.
Damn it, she was in love with this girl.

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