I'm not leaving.

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The next morning, Y/N woke up with butterflies swimming in the pit of her stomach. Lauren would be picking her up at 8, so she had quite a while but was still nervous and excited. She got up, walked downstairs and grabbed a banana. Selena was sitting in the lounge doing college work.
"Hey Sel, I just wanted to thank you for the other night. Letting me have friends over and letting them stay. Thank you."
"Oh it's no worries, I was out with Tay at the time anyway so I just asked to stay. You had Fifth Harmony round, right?"
"Yeah, they're pretty amazing. Except there was a few bumps with Camila, nothing that can't be fixed, I suppose. I'm going on a date today."

Selena spat our her coffee at the last sentence, her eyes widening.
"A date? Y/N Y/L/N!! How could you not tell me, this is so exciting!! With who?"
"Calm down, when you got in last night I was already asleep and I've just woken up! It's with, uh, Lauren Jauregui fr-"
"From Fifth Harmony, I know!!"

Y/N laughed at Selena's excitement, but knew she didn't have long till the date so decided to go out to buy something to wear. Clothes! Y/N had no idea what to wear, casual or smart?

Good day Lauren, I'm very excited for our date later. What should I wear?

Wear casual, jeans or something. Whatever you wear you'll look beautiful in. Can't wait!!

Y/N blushed at the text and smiled broadly, which lead to Selena running over and snatching the phone.
"Oh my lanta, you guys are so cute!"

Y/N chased Selena around the house trying to get her phone back. They didn't stop till Y/N tackled Selena and pulled her to the floor. Selena was in fits of giggles as Y/N tickled her, letting go of the phone.
"Y/N, stop!" Selena breathed, wriggling out from underneath Y/N and sitting back on the couch.

Y/N left Selena to do what she pleased as she went to get dressed. She rummaged through her cabinet to pull out her pair of black ripped skinny jeans, and she then searched in her wardrobe for her 'Thrasher' tee. Noticing the time, she hastily got changed and threw on light make up. Before going out, Y/N rolled up the sleeves of her 'Thrasher' tee, grabbed a jacket, and sat on the couch till Lauren arrived.

After five minutes of talking to Selena, there was a knock at the door. Y/N rushed up to answer it, and there was Lauren, standing at the door. She held a bouquet of red roses, that she passed to Y/N.
"Thank you, Lauren." Y/N blushed, as she quickly went to give them to Selena to put in a vase.

"Go get em!" Selena said, before Y/N rushed out the door with Lauren.

As they were walking down to Lauren's car, they intertwined their fingers. Y/N took in Lauren's side profile, and realised just how utterly beautiful she was. She wore eyeshadow that brought out her vivid eye colour, and red lipstick that also did the same. Lauren's eyes were what entranced Y/N the most.
"You're beautiful" blurted Y/N, who blushed profusely at her bluntness. It didn't go unnoticed when Lauren blushed as well, before saying "Thank you, you're gorgeous," making Y/N blush even more.

Lauren walked round to open the door for Y/N, who smiled graciously at Lauren before getting in. Once Lauren was in and they started driving, she told Y/N the plan.
"I'm going to take you to the restaurant by the beach, but it's quite a casual one which is why I told you to wear what you did. Then, we're going to go to the midnight crazy golf, and then I'll take you home. Is that okay? Is there any time you need to be back by? I am so sorry. I didn't think th-"
Y/N cut Lauren off by placing a hand on her knee and kissing her cheek, saying, "Lauren, it sounds perfect."
Again, Lauren blushed.

The car drive was long, around twenty minutes, but they made it fun by jamming to music, and sneakily looking at each other when the other wasn't looking. Lauren noticed how stunning Y/N's Y/E/C was, and that they had different colours in them.

Soon enough, the car journey ended and they arrived at the beachside restaurant. Lauren loved the look on Y/N's face when she saw that they were going to eat, on the beach! Y/N loved the beach, she had told Lauren in the car. This made Lauren even happier to be taking her here, and the golf afterwards.

"Table for 2, under Jauregui?"
The waiter checked his list before smiling sweetly at the pair. "Follow me," he said, leading Lauren and Y/N to a table by the window, at Lauren's request.

"Paparazzi and the public won't find me here, it's not very well known and this spot is quite disclosed."
"Ah, I see. Are you not allowed to date properly?" Y/N asked, intrigued as to what Lauren's management was like.
"I am, but with a girl it's different for them. Bad publicity and all that. I don't really understand it, but we signed that contract. It's just annoying and tedious."

Their conversation was cut off by the waiter coming over and asking for their meal choices. Lauren and Y/N chose to share a pizza, which was Pepperoni.

Y/N noticed that whilst they were there, nobody else had come in. It was quite peaceful, and she liked that.

Lauren and Y/N had conversations about everything and anything whilst waiting for their food, and when it was brought out, it looked lovely.

Y/N looked up at the waiter to thank him, but noticed it was someone else. A woman. Her. Y/N shifted uncomfortably under her stare, but she soon turned on her heel and left.

"Who was that?" Lauren asked, obviously noticing the tension there.
"Um, it was-"

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