I will help you.

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"Hi, I'm Y/N." Y/N was nervous for this, and she might end up dead, but it was worth a shot.
"Stop, before I kill you."
"Hey, I don't want to argue, I just want to talk. What's your name."
She could see the confusion written all over his face. He was wearing all black, with a large gun slung over his shoulder.
"Right. Hi Callum, how are you?"
"Stop it. Stop being nice to me. I want to hurt everyone here."

Everyone at the airport had gathered to watch the news. "What is she doing?" Dinah muttered. The whole place was silent. Suddenly, the news cut to the other section of the airport. It was from a go-pro attached to what everyone assumed was an officer.
"Everyone. Put your hands up!" Someone yelled. The camera showed around 20 people huddled in a circle, with 3 people surround with guns.

Callum looked at Y/N, then heard the commotion outside.
"Hey, don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you. I know where you're coming from. All throughout my life, people have made comments and hurt me. You will overcome it, I promise. You're strong, I can see that."

All of a sudden, the doors burst open. As the officers were going to shoot Callum, Y/N yelled.
"Stop! Don't shoot him!"
In the commotion, Callum shot at the officers. Y/N jumped in front of it, and it hit her shin. She screamed in pain. The officers took down Callum, and arrested him. Y/N was taken away on a stretcher, but the bleeding wasn't hard to calm.

Outside, the news reporters were all around her.
"You! What's your name?"
The paramedic stood in front of Y/N, but Y/N cleared her throat.
"I've got it. I'm Y/N."
"Hello, Y/N, we saw your heroic act. What made you do it?"
"I wouldn't say it was heroic, I just thought about it. This person had obviously been hurt which led them to act out this way. I didn't want to hurt them, I just wanted to talk. That's all."

That was all Y/N said before she was taken away to the nearest hospital.

Lauren was crying, Y/N had made it. "That girl is crazy." She heard someone say. She laughed to herself. Yes, her girlfriend was crazy, but she was also hers. Soon enough, they were called to their short flight to the airport. The part where the hostage took place was closed off, but the rest was easily accessed.

Their journey to Japan was around an hour, which everyone was being silly and laughing. As soon as they reached the airport, their tour manager chose to take their suitcases to their hotel as the others chose to go to the hospital Y/N was taken to.

Y/N had text the details to Lauren so they knew how to get there. She also text their tour manager and asked him to set up Y/N's hotel room as a nice layout for her and all the girls, where she would propose to Lauren.

"Y/N!" Lauren screamed as she ran into her room. Soon followed Dinah, then Normani, then Ally, then Camila. Ally and Camila were very out of breath and struggled to keep up with Lauren. "I'm okay!" Y/N said straight away, as she knew the questions that were coming. "I love you so much." Lauren said, kissing Y/N as hard as she could. Y/N's eyes flicked to everyone else so she could acknowledge them. She frowned slightly when she saw Camila's smiling face.
"Look, Y/N, I'm really sorry. For everything I suppose. I want you and Lauren to be happy." Camila said, shyly.
"Come here." Y/N laughed as she embraced Camila.
"Right, I'm allowed to go as soon as someone signs me out, which will need to be Lauren and a doctor."
"Why me?"
"Because you're mine." Y/N cheekily smiled, as Lauren kissed her once again.
"Goodness guys, save it for later." Normani said, smiling happily at the couple.

Lauren and the doctor both signed the files, and just told Y/N to take it easy and take the medication she was given twice a day. They got a taxi back to their hotel, where Y/N invited them all to their hotel room. Of course, everyone happily obliged.

As Y/N walked into the room with everyone following, she saw the good job the tour manager had done. On the desk in the room was pizza and sushi, Lauren's favourite.
"Y/N, this is gorgeous." Dinah said, hugging Y/N. "I'm glad you're okay."
"Thank you Y/N!" said Normani and Ally, also hugging Y/N one after the other. Camila was already eating. Lauren stood there, looking around the rest of the room. Blankets and pillows lay around the TV so they could watch movies and the lights were dimmed to give it a cosy vibe.
"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N."
"I love you too, Lauren Michelle Jauregui. Now go eat your sushi."
Lauren happily turned to go get the sushi Y/N had got together.
As Y/N sat down, she felt the ring poke her again. She knew to do it, which would be after everyone had finished.

Everyone ate, laughed and spoke about everything whilst a movie was playing in the background. They were all enjoyed the company of each other they completely forgot that the Notebook was on.

Soon enough, all the food was gone. Y/N stood up, her leg tingling a bit from the stitches. "Right, everyone. I was planning to do this a little later, but seeing as I could've died earlier, I realised life is too short to wait. So, here we are. We've all come so far, from that first time we met when Lauren walked into my cafe and when you guys asked me to help you find her. You guys are all my family now, and I am so thankful for all of you. Lauren, I didn't know love until you walked into that café. Even though it was not the best of circumstances, you still looked as beautiful as ever. At that point, I had no idea that you'd change my life. We have been through a lot together, and you never left my side. I love you more than words can say, so I'm trying, with words, to describe it. Every time you look at me, and I look at you, I feel like my heart is being washed around like a washing machine. You make me feel the best feeling, like I'm on cloud 9, permanently."
Ally and Camila could already tell what was coming and they were both tearing up at how cute it was. Lauren sat, looking confused. Y/N pulled Lauren's hand, so she stood up. Now, Normani and Dinah caught on at the same time as they both started squealing. With great struggle, Y/N got on one knee.
"Lauren Jauregui. Will you do me the greatest honour of marrying me?"
Lauren was silent for a moment, as tears poured out her eyes.
"Of course I will!" She said, knocking Y/N full on her back. Ally was crying, as was Camila. Dinah and Normani were jumping up and down. Y/N was crying, her heart pumping and swelling with happiness.

are you okay? - lauren/youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang