Is this a dream?

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Y/N swore her heart stopped beating. Was she kidding?
"Are you joking?"
Lauren chuckled. She felt like the whole world had been lifted off her shoulders when she told Y/N.
"No, Y/N, I really like you."

Y/N smiled, before taking Lauren's hand in hers. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours, until a crack of lightning cut them out of their trance.
"Let's go, you'll get a cold." Lauren said, taking Y/N's hand and pulling her up. Y/N smiled gratefully, and walked back with Lauren all the way through the forest. The trees were looming over the dark pathway of the forest, and thunder rumbled up ahead. Y/N squeezed Lauren's hand in fear, and Lauren stroke her hand with the pad of her thumb for reassurance. They soon got back to the car, in which Lauren opened the passenger door for Y/N before rushing round to the drivers seat. Y/N sat shivering in the car on the drive back, a comfortable silence filling the car.

Soon, they both pulled back at Y/N's house, the rest of Fifth Harmony still there. Camila did feel guilty, yet she hoped Lauren would be angry at Y/N. Lauren took Y/N's hand, noticing her hesitance as they approached the door.
"You okay?" Lauren asked, smiling at the girl in front of her. Her hair was hanging loosely, strands flying everywhere due to the weather. Her eyes were an electric Y/E/C colour and her cheeks were rosy and wet from the cold. Lauren planted a kiss on her cheek before unlocking the door with Y/N's key.

Dinah, Normani and Ally jumped up from the sofa when they heard the door click, and ran into the hallway.
"Y/N!!" they all exclaimed in unison, rushing up to hug her. She smiled meekly in return, eyes darting between Camila and her bedroom door.
"I'm going to get changed." she mumbled, rushing past Camila to her bedroom.

As soon as Y/N had left the room, Lauren was bombarded with questions from Ally about what had happened, and how Y/N was. She shot Camila a deathly glare before sitting down on the armchair, explaining to the three who were interested about what happened.
She started right from she left to telling Y/N she liked her, the three girls 'awwing' as she did so. Camila stood coldly, disappointed that her plan to get Lauren hadn't worked.

Lauren had finished telling everyone, so she went to find Y/N as she had been quite a while.
"Y/N.. are you okay?"
Lauren opened Y/N's bedroom door cautiously to find her crawled up in the corner, sobbing. Y/N was rocking her body back and forth, her knees pulled up to underneath her chin. Lauren rushed over, and she pulled Y/N in a tight embrace.
"Hey, baby, what's wrong?" Lauren asked, softly stroking Y/N's hair.
"I can't tell if this is a dream or not. Did you really tell me you liked me? Did Camila really say those things?" Y/N's voice cracked many times, but she got out what she needed to say in the end.
"Yes, I really like you Y/N. And sadly, yeah Camila did say that. You shouldn't believe her, you're beautiful, kind, caring and so so amazing. Ally, Normani and Dinah love you. Now, I think it's the perfect time to ask you something, considering the circumstances. Will you go on a date with me tomorrow evening after I get off work for the day? I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought it would be nice to cheer you u-"
Y/N cut off Lauren's ramblings by placing a soft, yet passionate, kiss on her lips.
"Of course I will" Y/N said, looking at Lauren with such love in her eyes people would write stories about that said look. Lauren blushed profusely and pecked Y/N's cheek before getting up and pulling her hand up so she could stand.
"Come on, let's watch a movie!" Lauren said excitedly, dragging Y/N behind her into the living room.
They were met with the faces of Dinah, Normani, Ally and a rather salty Camila, all sitting on the same sofa. This left Y/N and Lauren to squeeze on the smaller sofa to the right. Y/N made a point of smiling at everyone, including Camila, to show it took more than telling lies to break her. She gave the girls some movies to pick out of and as they squabbled over which one they wanted to watch, she got snacks properly prepared.

After about 5 minutes, she felt arms snake around her waist and move her hair out of the way, before feeling a pair of soft lips on the back of her neck.
"Come on baby! We picked Minions!"
Y/N chucked at Lauren's silliness and she handed her two bowls of crisps as she brought in the popcorn and chocolate.

The movie started, and Y/N was trying to focus on the movie, but she kept thinking about the position her and Lauren were in. Lauren's front was pressed against Y/N's back as their legs sprawled out over the chair.
All their food had been eaten, and it was getting late. The movie ended, and Lauren was asleep.
"Girls, if you lead the way out to your car I will carry Lauren."
Normani nodded and picked up the keys, as the others collected their bags and coats. Y/N picked up Lauren, who snuggled her face into Y/N's neck. They left the apartment and walked down the stairs, Y/N being careful not to take Lauren. Dinah was holding all the doors open for Y/N so she didn't make so much noise with Lauren in her arms. They reached the car and all got in, and Y/N put Lauren in, but as Y/N was about to get back out the car, Lauren pulled her back in and gave her a kiss. A passionate, long kiss. Camila, who was sitting next to Lauren, just smiled sickly and Ally looked upon them like a proud mother. Dinah and Normani whooped and cheered in the background.
"Thank you Y/N, it was really good!" Dinah said, hugging Y/N before crawling beside Lauren. "You're welcome, any time, any of you" Y/N said, still feeling offended by Camila's words but didn't think it was worth holding grudges.
"Bye babe, i'll see you tomorrow!" Lauren exclaimed, waving at Y/N who was now standing outside the closed car.
"Bye bye!" Y/N yelled as the car rolled away, Dinah poking her head out the window and sticking her tongue out.

are you okay? - lauren/youWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt