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Normani, Dinah and Camila all stood around Lauren, wondering what had just happened. They looked to Ally for an explanation, and as she proceeded to tell, Lauren passed out on the floor of the airport. All 4 girls and the tour manager brought her to a row of chair, where they asked for help from a member of staff.
"Oh my god, poor Y/N." said Dinah, holding a cool flannel to Lauren's head.

Around ten minutes later, Lauren stirred. Again, she broke down, remembering the Y/N situation.
"What are we going to do Ally?" Lauren sobbed, her words barely understandable.
"Y/N is a smart girl, she'll know what to do. We have to sit tight, keep updated and not let ourselves get too stressed."
Lauren just mumbled in response as her eyes stayed on the large TV screen, the news showing the live stream of what was happening in Japan. Her heart was beating so fast, it was all she could hear. She nearly missed the sound of her phone ringing.
"Guys, it's Y/N!"
"Answer it!"

Lauren very quickly pressed answer.
"Lauren? Are you there?"
"I'm here baby. Where are you? Are you okay?"
"I'm okay. I can hear the people."
"Oh my god, Y/N, please stay quiet."
"Of course I will, but they're getting louder. I won't call you anymore but I may text you. My ringer will be off obviously but just in case-"
Y/N broke off. A large lump had collected in the back of her throat as she stopped herself from crying. On the other end, she heard Lauren cry too.
"Just in case, I love you so much Lauren. You are the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with."
"Please Y/N. Don't say it like it's goodbye. We can sort this, I know it."
"I love you, Lauren."
"I love you so much."

Y/N hung up the phone and shoved it in her pocket. She had cramp in her foot but in order to sort it out she would have to get down from standing on the toilet seat. Someone else could be in there, she wouldn't know. If there is, they certainly weren't making any noise. To think, she would never see anyone again. Kat, Selena, Ally, Normani, Dinah, even Camila, and Lauren. The Lauren she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with. She really hoped the police would make some smart decisions soon.

All 5 girls of Fifth Harmony were crying, even Camila. It was so hard. Y/N, the person who brought them closer as a group again, could be gone. Lauren collapsed hopelessly in Camila's arms as she was the closest person. "I'm sorry Camila, for all the horrible stuff I've done." Lauren was even shocked at herself for apologising, but she was fully aware that life was too short for arguments.
"I'm sorry too. And to Y/N. I really hope she gets out of this so I can apologise to her."
Lauren smiled a little at the thought of her old best friend and the love of her life being friends. It would bring the group even closer.

"You know what, I'm done with this. The police and FBI are just hanging around outside. People may die, can't they see that?"
Before anyone could say anything, their tour manager was off, calling the police. He was angrily telling at whoever had the bad luck to answer his call. He demanded they put him through to the people in charge of this situation. Reluctantly, and after a while, they did.
"Listen here mate, we've got people in there and you guys are just dawdling outside. What's the hold up?"
"Sir, with all do respect, you are no way qualified to tell us what to do. The people holding the others hostage are demanding money. One million dollars, to be precise."
"I served in the military for 6 years before I became a tour manager. Cover all exits, give them the money, trap them in, get them. Simple."
He hung up. Hopefully, his plan would have put some brains into the leader of this operation, and they'd do something about the people there. All 5 girls just watched him, confused, as they'd never seen him so angry, nor had they known he was in the military.
"Thank you." Lauren said.

Y/N heard the door move slightly, which must've been the people walking past. Her heart beat so fast. Truthfully, she was scared out of her mind. She didn't want to die, her and Lauren had so many plans. The ring in her back pocket poked her due to the angle she was at. Originally, she was going to wait to propose seeing as it seemed so soon but she got the ring anyway. This made her seem so sure of proposing to Lauren, if she ever made it out. In fact, she slowly started to get out her phone because someone came in the bathroom. All the doors in the bathroom were closed so you wouldn't be able to tell if someone was in them, but you never know what was going through someone's head. Whoever in there was at the sink, running the faucet.
"I can't believe we're finally doing this. And getting away with it. All my life I've been a laughing stock, but now what? I'm feared, just as I feared those people."
This person spoke to themselves as they cleaned their hands and face. Goodness knows why they were in the middle of holding many hostages, but clearly there were many of them. The ceiling of the airport toilets were glass, and she saw a helicopter up above. News reporters. Luckily, whoever was out there couldn't see it.

Lauren was still watching the screen, looking for updates. Right now, the helicopter was above the airport and it was zooming in on what she thought was a bathroom. She could see one of the bad people, and people hiding in the stools. One person in there, who appeared to be female, looked up and saw the helicopter. Could it be Y/N?
Lauren's phone buzzed in her pocket.
It was Y/N. All the message said was, "News."
Did this mean that whoever was in the bathroom was Y/N? She's still alive!
"Me." was another message that came through for Lauren.
"Guys! That girl, it's Y/N!"

All 6 people stood around and intently watched, but all faces turned to confusion as Y/N started to get down from the uncomfortable position she was in, to open the stall door and talk to the person.
Trust Y/N to be so stupidly kind.
"What the fuck is she doing?" yelled their tour manager.
"Being Y/N." Lauren smiled to herself, but her heart rate was elevated at the danger of it.

are you okay? - lauren/youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن