Where are you?

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Thoughts were racing round Y/N's head as she woke the next morning. Lauren. Y/N sat up and the first thing clear in her head was Lauren. Tears already started to fill up her Y/E/C eyes when she realised Lauren would probably never speak to her. Heck, she'd even be surprised if Lauren remembered her. That's what famous people were like, right? All nice when you met them and thankful when you did something nice, but once a night passed you were just a mere memory in their brains?

Y/N got out of her bed to go downstairs to make her breakfast. Her roommate was downstairs already, because she had work.

"Hey Y/N/N, I made you breakfast. I've got to go soon."

"Thank you so much Sel."

"No problem, I'll see you later!"


Y/N sat down at the table, and started eating the breakfast her roommate Selena had made for her. She scrolled through her phone on Tumblr as she did so, reblogging some cool things she found now and then. It was 12:45 and she still hadn't heard from Lauren, so she assumed she'd forgotten about her. Y/N sighed heavily. Is that what all famous people are like? She pondered, thinking about differently celebrities who were changed by fame.

Hey. It's Lauren. I'm sorry about yesterday. I want to make it up to you. I miss you.

Y/N gasped. Lauren! She hadn't expected to hear from Lauren at all! The images of Lauren started running through Y/N's head, her emerald eyes, her dark hair, her rosy lips. Everything about her was flawless, and Y/N was determined to know more about the green eyed beauty.

Hey Lauren. I miss you too. Honestly, you don't need to do anything for me, I am just glad I could help you out :)

Lauren sighed happily. Y/N already held a special place in her heart even after a few hours, and she was determined to keep her. Thinking of it, Y/N had done so many things for Lauren in the space of a few hours. Helped her with her 'Brad' issue, found her friends and also manages to help her friends too! Y/N was a rare kind, a wonderful, caring person. Lauren wanted to know more, indulge into the wonders of her mind.

Do you want to meet? Are you free tonight? :)

Sure. Do you want to come to mine? Bring the girls if you want, or just you, I don't mind. :).

Okay, the girls and I will be round in three hours? We're just finishing some things for 5H3, be there soon!

Y/N smiled to herself, anxiety soon setting in because her and Selena's apartment was a complete mess. Selena! Y/N wrote a quick text to her to tell her to be out of the apartment for the night, because she had friends coming round.

Y/N started cleaning the whole house, dusting everywhere. She checked the time to find it was 2 O'Clock and she wasn't even dressed yet! Running upstairs, she ran into her room and dived into her wardrobe, finding something cool but casual. Once satisfied with her outfit, she ran downstairs and got out snacks and movies. Lauren and the girls would be over in ten minutes, leaving Y/N time to relax and cool down.

Soon enough, there was a knock on the door. Y/N opened it to find 5 girls standing on her doorstep. Lauren, of course, standing out the most, she remembered each of the girls' names as they entered. Lauren, Camila, Dinah, Normani, Ally.

Lauren embraced Y/N in a warm, emotional hug, where Y/N's heartbeat rose drastically. Each of the girls took their turn in embracing Y/N afterward, except Camila who smiled sickeningly sweetly. Y/N was a bit confused about the isolation of the small cuban, but didn't take any notice. She led them all into her living room, where Camila, Dinah, Ally and Normani had all squished, leaving Y/N and Lauren to the small chair. "I have some movies, or we can just talk. I don't know. I also have food so dig in." Y/N said awkwardly, staring at all 5 girls who were sitting down.

5 minutes of chatter and eating passed, till Normani announced, "Let's play Truth or Dare!" to which Dinah agreed and the other girls just laughed at their enthusiasm. They all sat in a circle and Normani was the first to spin the bottle in the middle.
To Y/N's annoyance, it landed on her.
"Y/N, TRUTH OR DARE!" Normani shouted, causing all the other girls to follow up with "Sssh!" or "Calm down Mani!"
Y/N thought for a moment, before saying "Truth". "Okay, are you gay, straight or bi?" Normani asked bluntly. Y/N's eyes widened slightly and Lauren swatted Normani on the arm, warning her about being so blunt. Y/N laughed nervously, before saying "Uh-I'm gay actually". Lauren smiled a little and Camila glared at her, whilst Ally, Dinah and Normani tackled her in a hug. "Aw thank you for telling us, Camila and Lauren here are bisexual so we're all accepting here!" Ally exclaimed, returning to her spot in the sofa.
Y/N smiled, eyes focused on Lauren.

The next person to spin the bottle was Ally. It landed on a reluctant Lauren, who chose 'Dare'.
"I dare you to kiss Y/N" Ally challenged, raising her eyebrow slightly. Lauren gulped loudly, and to Camila's disapproval, shifted her body slightly so she was facing Y/N, who was blushing profusely.
Lauren took hold of Y/N's chin with her index finger, and pulled her closer. Lauren's lips were soft and plump, and fireworks were exploding in Y/N's head. Y/N's lips were also soft, and she was also an expert kisser. Lauren's heart rate elevated and her hands got sweaty. They didn't realise where they were till Camila cleared her throat. Both Lauren and Y/N pulled away, blushing at their intimate act.

A couple more rounds of Truth Or Dare passed, and Lauren nor Y/N had forgotten about their kiss.
"I think we should go now, it's getting quite late and we shouldn't be keeping you!" Ally said, getting up.
"Wait! I mean, you could stay here if you want. My roommate will be out for a few days. If you want, two of you can take my bed, two of you can take Selena's and the other can sleep on the sofa bed!"
All 5 girls shared a look, an encouraging look, besides Camila who looked disgruntled.
"Thank you!! SLEEPOVERRR!" Dinah yelled, hugging Y/N.

Y/N led them to their rooms for the night. Ally and Normani in Selena's room, Camila and Dinah in Y/N's and Lauren on the sofa bed.

It was 1am, and everyone was exhausted, so they all went to their beds. Y/N set up Lauren's sofa bed for her and gave her some pyjamas to wear. All the other girls seemed to have 'spares' in the car so they used those.
"Y/N, where are you sleeping?" Lauren asked, concern evident in her voice.
"I'm sleeping in this chair, are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Surely you can't sleep in that?! Come, sleep next to me. I don't mind. It's cold here too!"
Y/N swallowed heavily, but didn't argue. She was nervous about being in the same room as Lauren, let alone the same bed. Y/N got in and Lauren snuggled up to her. Y/N laid out her arm so Lauren could rest her head on it and wrap her arms around Y/N's waist. Soon, both girls drifted off into a deep sleep, tired from their fun they had had.

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