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The line went dead and Lauren was in a daze. She wouldn't actually kill Camila, would she? Of course not. Lauren tried to call Y/N back, but there was no answer. She was either booking a flight to come and kill Camila now, or she was angry at her. Lauren couldn't blame her, she had kissed Camila on multiple occasions. The thought of losing Y/N made Lauren's heart and stomach twist painfully, and she had to sit down due to the pain getting too much. Ally walked into the room again, asking Lauren if she was okay.
"What happened Laur?"
"I told her that I apparently kissed Camila at the club and that I kissed her again afterwards, and clearly she was upset but all she really said was that she was going to kill Camila. I am scared Ally.
"She won't hurt anyone, you know that. She's just angry, at Camila, at you. Give her time."
"Okay. Thank you" Lauren hugged the shortest, but eldest, member of the group before she disappeared again.

Over the next few days, Lauren hadn't heard anything from Y/N but she was messaging her every chance she got. Of course, it worried her a lot considering everything that had happened recently. Once it was evening, Lauren tried to search for Katelyn's social media to try and ask her about Y/N. It didn't take a lot of digging because she was always commenting under Y/N's Instagram pictures. Lauren followed her, and then decided to DM her.
LaurenJauregui: Hey, it's Lauren. I was just wondering if you'd heard or seen from Y/N. The last time I spoke to her was 3 days ago. Thank you.
Katelyn20: Oh my gosh!!!! You're Lauren Jauregui!!! Y/N was at work 2 days ago, but wasn't at work yesterday. She said that she was ill and she'd be back tomorrow. Hope I helped!

Lauren sighed. Y/N was rarely ill, so she doubted it was that. She decided to try and get Ally to call her to see if it was just Lauren she was ignoring.
"Ally! There you are! Will you call Y/N for me? She hasn't answered in a few days and I am worried."
"Of course"

Ally went off for around 5 minutes when trying to contact Y/N, and on the third ring she picked up.
"Hello?" Y/N had definitely been crying. Ally ran into Lauren's room again but told her to be quiet, seeing as Y/N was only on the phone to Ally.
"Hey Y/N! I haven't heard from you in a few days, just checking in.
"I'm okay, I couldn't go into work today but I'm fine."
"Okay Y/N, well I think Lauren wants to talk to you. She's beating herself up at the moment over this."
"I can't talk to her Ally. What am I supposed to say? I forgive you for kissing the person I hate most, multiple times? These past months when you guys have been touring, I have been working so many hours to move with her! I don't even know what to do anymore. Is she okay?"

Lauren's heart cracked a little. Y/N always cared about her, no matter the situation, and it warmed Lauren to her fingertips, but also hurt her because she had hurt the love of her life.

"She's okay Y/N. She's really sorry."
"I know Al, I know. I don't want to fight her. I love her with everything I have. Everything about her is absolutely mesmerising. From her legs to her heart, she's fantastic and I couldn't ask for anyone better. But I'm scared. I'm scared she will leave me like everyone else does."

Y/N voice was cracking, and Ally was tearing up. Lauren was already in tears, the salty liquid dripping down her face.

"I know Y/N, I know. She won't leave you, because it's so obvious how much she loves you. I won't leave you either, we'll be best friends for ever, especially if you move out here! As for Camila, just ignore her. Don't let her get to you."
"Thank you Al, I will speak to you later."
"Love you girl."
"You too"

Lauren was so glad Y/N was okay, or at least slightly okay. If they couldn't mend their ć relationship, Lauren wouldn't be able to survive.

Y/N sat on her sofa, looking at jobs in Miami. Suddenly, her phone started buzzing. Lauren. She couldn't avoid her forever.
"Hey. Look, Y/N. I am so so sorry. Nothing hurts me more than the prospect of losing you, and I don't want to. I will do anything to make this better."
"It's okay. I know you love me, and I love your more than words can say. I keep meaning to tell you that the paper work and visa has all gone through and I'm now able to move to the USA with you. I know you're on tour at the moment so obviously I can't move yet, but once it's over it's all good."
"Y/N! I can't wait! I have a flight to Japan tomorrow, and we have 2 shows there. We are there for one week to look round Tokyo and things like that. Then we have a few more stops, and then it's over. Oh my god, I love you."
"I love you too. I have to go now, see you!
"See you babe."

As soon as Y/N got off the phone, she logged onto her new computer, because the other one smashed, and booked a flight to Japan. She messaged Lauren's tour manager to ask for the hotel, and managed to find out very quickly. She booked a week in the hotel, and also asked for Lauren's room number so she couldn't surprise her when she got back. Once everything was done, she sighed in relief, which soon turned into sighs of panic because she had to fly to Japan - tomorrow! It was already 6pm, so Y/N had a lot to do. She grabbed her suitcase and started throwing in anything she thought necessary. Luckily, shops were open later tonight so she ran down to the post office and asked for £200 in Japanese currency. Y/N had collected a little more than she needed for moving to America, which is why she could afford the trip. She was so excited to surprise Lauren!

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