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The next morning, Y/N was busy making Lauren breakfast in bed whilst Lauren slept soundly. She made pancakes, bacon, sausages and eggs for the green-eyed beauty, and she hoped it would come out okay as cooking hadn't really ever been her forté.

She presented it nicely on a tray with a cup of coffee, Lauren's favourite. Tip-toeing upstairs, she balanced the full coffee on the tray as Lauren still slept soundly. Y/N opened the door gently, it creaking slightly as she did so.


Lauren slowly opened her eyes, screwing them up again at the natural light in the room. She sat up when she saw Y/N standing at the foot of their bed, holding a stack of lovely, aromatic food.

"Is this all for me?" Lauren asked, blushing.
"Yes. I love you, Lauren."
"I love you too. Forever and ever." Lauren said, tearing up at the action.

After Lauren had eaten breakfast that Y/N had prepared, she showered and got dressed. Y/N had planned a whole day with very little clues and even though Lauren hated surprises, she was very excited for what her girlfriend had planned.

Y/N was waiting eagerly downstairs for Lauren to be done. She came downstairs and told her she was ready, but Y/N was nearly already out the door, waiting for Lauren to follow.
"Babe slow down!" Lauren laughed.
"There's no slowing down when I have so much planned!" Y/N giggled, jumping down the stairs of their apartment block. Lauren stared lovingly at the girl, but wondered where all this energy had come from.

As soon as they got into the car, they were already speeding off. Lauren felt as though they were going to crash, but she knew Y/N was a safe driver no matter how fast she was going.

Just before they got to their destination, at a stop light, Y/N got out a tie.
"Lo, put this on. Where we are going is a surprise."
"Hmm, okay." Lauren replied, with hesitance.
"Trust me, you'll be fine." Y/N said, before kissing Lauren whilst tying up the blindfold round her head.

Another 5 minutes later, Lauren felt Y/anger out the car and open her door. She fumbled for her hand and took it as she delicately stepped out the car.

"Okay, take it off!"

Lauren did as she was told, and opened her eyes. She blinked a few times due to the intensity of the light, but once she had opened her eyes she was shocked. There was a large, modern looking building and in bright red letters it read, 'Haunted Crazy Golf!'
How on earth did Y/N find this place?

Y/N was looking at Lauren hopefully to see if she'd like it, and when she turned and gave her a large hug, she knew she'd picked the right place.
"Now let's goooo!" Y/N exclaimed, dragging Lauren by the hand toward the entrance.

They got in, Y/N paying for their tickets. The couple followed a corridor, which led to an even darker one. There were neon signs displaying eerie messages, directing the two to where they were supposed to go. As they were walking, Lauren took in Y/N's features under the red, dim glow. Her Y/E/C eyes were moving around like rabbits, probably still trying to adjust to the lighting. Her hair was slightly over her eyes and she kept moving it due to it obscuring her vision, though it kept falling back. She had a faint grin painted across her face, and she wasn't wearing makeup, as per. Lauren's heart rate sped up and she didn't even realise they had reached the large room where the 1st hole of crazy golf was.

The couple made their way round, Y/N hiding in places and jump-scaring Lauren, and then nearly wetting herself with laughter at her reaction. The girls were loud, but happy. Y/N won, having to show Lauren how to hit the ball correctly most of the time. Neither were complaining though, as Lauren could feel Y/N's front pressed against her back, and vice versa.

After they had done, it was nearing lunch and Y/N had a perfect lunch place planned. This time, they walked to their destination, which Lauren was secretly glad about as she didn't have to endure Y/N's erratic driving. Y/N took Lauren's hand as they walked, talking about anything and everything.

"Do you think about the future often?" Y/N asked, slowing her pace.
"What do you mean?"
"You know, like our future?"

Lauren paused for a moment, replaying all the moments she'd look at Y/N in absolute adoration and think about all their future adventures.

"Yes, very often. Everytime I look at you I think about how I want to spend the rest of my life with you. How I want to marry you and possibly even start a family. You are the best person to ever come into my life and I would never want to spend it with anyone else."
Y/N stopped on the pavement and took Lauren by the hips and kissed her, kissed her with everything she had. Actions speak better than words, right? Lauren's breath hitched at the sudden action, but she certainly wasn't going to say anything.
"I love you." Y/N whispered, taking Lauren's hand and continuing their walk to the lunch place.

They arrived shortly after, at a seaside restaurant. There wasn't just sea food, but the view was the main point of the 'seaside' restaurant. It was on the banks of the sand, a pretty and calming sight. Perfect to Lauren. They sat down, Y/N having reserved a window seat.
"You are honestly the best." Lauren said, checking the menu.
"I know." Y/N smirked.

After the girls had eaten and spoken quite a bit, time had passed. It was starting to darken. Y/N had one more thing planned, something brilliant, with the help of the rest of Fifth Harmony.

A limousine picked up Lauren and Y/N from their seaside date. Whilst trying to peer out the window, Lauren was thinking about all the places Y/N could be taking her. She felt the long car start to go up a slope and suddenly, stop. They got out with no words from the driver, and as they got out the driver got in and sped off again. Lauren looked around, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. They were in the middle of a thin road, on one side a tall cliff and on the other, the steep fall from the tall cliff. Y/N took her hand and started to talk, using the torch on her phone for light.
"It's not far baby, don't worry." Y/N said as she could feel Lauren was scared beside her.

They walked further up the hill for 5 minutes, before they reached a turning in the road. There was a parking space where there was a large truck parked. In the back, there were blankets and fairy lights and a computer and a picnic basket. Tears welled in Lauren's eyes as she saw the beautiful display.

"Lauren, you're going home in 2 days and I'm not sure what I'm going to do without you. You've had such a positive impact on my life, and so many things have changed for the good."

Y/N's speech sent Lauren spilling, happy tears flowing out her eyes. Suddenly, the other 3 relevant members of Fifth Harmony popped out from behind the truck.

"I couldn't have pulled this all off without these 3. I'm going to miss you all so much when you go." Y/N said, hugging Normani, Ally and Dinah.

"We'll be round the corner if you need us. If it gets to 12, we're going. Mama gotta sleep!" Ally exclaimed, making the others giggle.

"Y/N, I'm so overwhelmed. You are the most uplifting, strong girl I know and I want you in my life forever and ever. I love you" Lauren said, as she climbed into the back of the truck with Y/N assistance.

"I love you too, Lauren Michelle Jauregui. Let the feast begin!" Y/N yelled, opening the basket.

are you okay? - lauren/youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora