I'm here

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The four girls had been following Y/N for what seemed like ages, though they were all aware it had been five minutes.
"Y/N.. where exactly are we going?" Ally asked, causing Y/N to stop and turn around.
"Well, there's no saying where she will exactly be, but she might've returned to the café. I also know a nice tranquil sort of place that she might be at."
Ally nodded, Y/N smiling encouragingly back at her. Camila was still extremely upset and she was holding Dinah's hand, whilst Normani was walking next to Ally.

Y/N had circled back around the block and she was now on the road that her cafe was on the corner of. It was quiet, because it wasn't a main road, but it was also very late at night. Finally, Y/N got to the café and unlocked it. She told the girls to wait there whilst she quickly looked inside, checking the bathrooms, seating area, kitchen and behind the counter. It was exactly as she had left it, Lauren nowhere in sight. Y/N sighed, feeling a lot worse than she did five minutes ago. There was only one other place that Lauren may be in a place she didn't know, looking for quiet places. The rooftop of the abandoned school. The abandoned school was famous for being haunted, but as far as Y/N knew, no one went on the rooftop.

Y/N walked out of the cafe, locking it up again. Camila cried a little more and Dinah was struggling to keep it together now, all of them were really missing their green eyed friend. Y/N felt like crying herself, because even though she had only spoken to Lauren for a little while, she felt very responsible for her disappearance, knowing she couldn't prevented it. She knew she had to keep it together for the other girls of Fifth Harmony, considering they were more like sisters than best friends.

The five of them continued walking down the road, the bitter silence engulfing them all. Every now and then, Camila's sniffles could be heard, followed by Dinah's words of reassurance. The four girls dropped back suddenly, Y/N noticed but didn't do anything because she knew they were probably just talking. The 19 year old didn't walk so far ahead so she could still hear what they were saying.
"What if she's taking us somewhere? We don't even know where we are going or who she is?" Y/N figured it was Camila, who could be identified by the emotion in her voice.
"Come on Walz, you really think, at 1am, she would be leading us to find someone she barely knows when she could be asleep. God knows she needs it, she looks so tired. Also, she seems really worried about Lauren and I know she wants to cry herself."

Y/N smiled a little at Dinah's words, but realised she had almost walked past the school.
"Guys, stay here. I'll be back" And before the others could say anything else, Y/N rushed off into the abandoned school.

"I'm certainly not doing in there" Normani muttered, shivering in the cold.
"I know! It looks scary!" Ally whispered, also shivering.
"What if Lauren's not up there guys? Y/N said this was the only place she knew of" Camila said, her tears having stopped rolling down her face yet making her eyes look glossy.
"Look, Mila, we're all worried about her but she can't have got far. For one, there may still be fans around, and also, it's not been that long." Dinah snapped, making Camila shiver slightly.

Y/N was running up the stairs all the way to the rooftop. She forgot how tiring all those stairs were, but soon forgot about it when she realised why she was there. The door was open when she got to the top, a possible good sign. She walked through the doorway and saw Lauren standing there, her hair blown in the freezing night air.

"Hey Lauren" Y/N said, not wanting to make her jump.
"Oh, hi. Why'd you come looking?"
"Well I came across your friends and they were all worried. I told them I might know where you were so I just took them to the cafe, then here." Y/N stood next to Lauren, taking in her appearance. Her hair was all over the place, and she had black make up all around her eyes, still on from the show.
"Why didn't you go back to the bus?"
"I confronted Brad. He threw some pretty nasty insults at me. We- We broke up." Lauren finished, more tears coming out her eyes.
"Hey, it's alright. I'm so sorry Lauren. You deserve so much better, a beautiful girl like you."
Y/N didn't even realised she had called Lauren beautiful again, but Lauren noticed and she heart warmed even though she was shivering.
"Take my jacket, you just be freezing" Y/N pulled off her jacket and helped Lauren into it, her arms stiff from the cold.
"Let's go to your friends, they're worried about you."

Lauren took Y/N's hand and couldn't help but feel how right it was. She felt that their hands fit together perfectly, better than anything Brad had ever made her feel. Y/N also felt her heart rate increase and her knees turn to jelly when Lauren took her hand. They walked down the many flights of stairs to find Camila, Dinah, Ally and Normani standing in the doorway. Y/N gave them an odd look as to why they were inside and Ally said "It's freezing outside!" making the rest of them chuckle.
"I'm so glad you're safe Laur!" Camila rushed over to Lauren and pulled her in for a hug, in which Lauren gladly reciprocated.
Y/N left the rest of the girls to their rejoices and she walked away, happy that she had helped Lauren and very upset that she may not see her again. Lauren wouldn't speak to her right? She was famous, after all. The deed that Y/N had done would probably be pushed to the back of their minds and she'd be forgotten.

Y/N didn't even realise she was crying till a freezing gust of wind hit her, causing her to quicken her pace and shiver a little. 'How stupid! Crying over a girl she'd just met!' Y/N thought. She walked back home and went to bed, exhausted.

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