Are you okay?

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Y/N was wiping down tables in the small cafe, an hour away from closing time. It was only her and her friend Katelyn at the time, because the cafe was a small unpopular one. Katelyn was restocking the mugs and glasses that had been used and washed up throughout the day, which wasn't many as most people took their hot drinks to go. Y/N had just finished tidying the tables when Katelyn came in and said "Hey, I've just finished. I doubt there is going to be anyone else in here now, so is it okay if I leave? I'll stay later tomorrow, it's just that tonight is date night wit-"

"Kat, it's fine. Go have fun."

"Thank you, I owe you!"

Y/N smiled at her friend's eagerness as she ran out the door, the bell jingling when the door opened then closed. Walking into the kitchen, Y/N turned up the stereo when 'Dark Paradise' by Lana Del Rey started playing. She was humming softly to herself as she swept when the bell jingled again.
"We're closing soon!" Y/N called out, and when she got no response she had to go out to the tables to see if it was just the wind. Her eyes scanned the room when she noticed a girl sitting in the corner. Her raven colored hair was windswept and she possessed a black leather jacket and black skinny jeans that ripped at the knee. She had to be at the most 20, her make-up possibly making her look older than she actually is.

"Hi, can I get you anything?" Y/N awkwardly asked, staring at the raven haired girl who had yet to look up. She looked up at Y/N, her green eyes glossy with tears.

"C-Can I just get a coffee please?" the girl breathed out, giving Y/N a weak smile. Y/N smiled at her, before rushing off to make a coffee.

5 minutes passed and Y/N returned with the coffee, placing it down at the stranger's table, who, again, smiled weakly.

"Are you alright? I don't mean to pry but you just seem a little upset." Y/N asked awkwardly, not wanting to violate her privacy.

"Uh, I just walked in on my boyfriend cheating on me. I'm not sure if he saw me, I just left."

Y/N's heart crumbled a little at the state of the stranger, her beauty also captivating.

"He's an ass for cheating on someone as beautiful as you," Y/N's eyes widened as she realised what she had said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

"No it's okay, I'm flattered. What's your name?"

"My name is Y/N, and what about you?"

"Lauren," Lauren checked her watch, and gasped at the time. "Oh god is that the time? I didn't realise. My friends are probably looking for me, sorry. Um, may I get your number. I know we've only just met but I've already consumed so much of your time, why not talk more?"

"Oh sure, here. I hope you give your boyfriend what he deserves. Bye Lauren."

Y/N walked Lauren walk out the door, the bell clattering again. Already, Y/N found herself missing the girl, and wanting to know more. She grabbed her coat from the hook in the kitchen and locked up the cafe, closing for the night. The walk to her home wasn't very far, but Y/N wandered past the local concert venue to see who would've played that night. The sign was still lit outside the venue, people still scattered. FIFTH HARMONY! shined in big bold black with lights illuminating it. Y/N had heard of the band before, but had never heard of any of their songs or seen any of them before. She made a mental note to search them up on YouTube later.

Turning round the corner, Y/N found herself on the long stretch of road to her house. It was very quiet, yet today there was a lot of police and a big blacked-out bus. Maybe this was the band that had played? No one was around, yet there was still people obviously on the bus. Y/N quickly got out her phone, and used her mobile data to search up the band, 'Fifth Harmony'.

Two minutes and a few taps later, Y/N had finally looked up 'Fifth Harmony' and seen that they were attractive girls with good music. She swore she recognised one of them, but pushed it to the back of her mind as she continued her walk.

"Hey! Hey, You!" Y/N heard someone shouting, so she turned around. There were four girls running toward her, frantic looks on their faces.
"How can I help you?" Y/N asked.
"Um, have you seen a girl. Black hair. Green eyes?" the shortest one asked.
Y/N thought to herself for a moment. The only person who she has seen that fits that description was Lauren, the stranger in the cafe.

"I don't think so, i'm sorry. Do you need any help looking for her? I probably know London better than you, considering you sound American." Y/N offered, eyes flickering between all the girls faces.
"I'm Y/N and you're Fifth Harmony right? I just googled you as I saw you were playing the venue."

"I'm Ally, this is Dinah, Camila and Normani," the short one said, pointing to the others in turn. "I think we'll be alright, just worried. She disappeared after the check in at the bus."

"Who are you looking for?" Y/N asked.
"Lauren" said Camila, tears now growing in her brown eyes.

"Wait, Lauren? She stopped by my cafe earlier and said that she walked in on her boyfriend cheating on her. I guess she trusted me because I didn't know who she was. She left and said she was going back to friends, which I guess is you guys." Y/N mumbled, suddenly intimidated by the four girls who were now staring at her intently.

"At least she isn't far, right?" Normani said, trying to reassure the others as well as herself.

"No, she's probably gone for a more secluded spot. Follow me." Y/N, leading the four other girls of Fifth Harmony.

-A/N- let me know if you want more?!

are you okay? - lauren/youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora