Chapter 11-No More Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Sooo. You okay?"


"Do you want to talk about it?"


"Okie dokie."

That's the thing I love about Macy. She'll drop the subject if I don't wanna talk about it .

After we ate, we went to bath and body works.

"Oooh this smells so good!" Macy said spraying perfume everywhere.

"Quit it! You're gonna get us kicked out of here!" I scolded.

Being the hard-headed person she is, Macy sprayed it even more.

The guy next to us started to cough and wheeze.

"Stop" Cough "Spraying" Wheeze "That" Cough" Stuff." He said choking on his sentence.

"Miss I'm going to have to ask you and your friend to leave." A store employee told me.

"Okay, I'm sorry for her behavior." I apologized.

I pulled Macy out of the store and smacked her arm.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Ow that hurt. Well just wanted to have some fun." She replied.

I was about to scold her even more, but then we heard screaming, and...hissing?

And then the Chaos started.


"What is going on?"

"Oh my look at that!"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Someone call the cops!"

"Where'd my Dog go?" A lady asked.

And on went the weird questions.

We turned around and revealed... Shane? What is he doing? I mean I understand if he's here to shop, but he wasn't.

And that lady who asked where her dog was earlier?

He was sinking his teeth into a dog. My breathing hitched, and I started to panic. Is this even real? Or is it a dream?

So what does this make Shane? A..a vampire?

My thoughts get cut off by Macy dragging me out of the crowd.


I stayed quiet.

"Isn't that the.. the guy I thought was cute?"

I stared at the shop behind Macy, distracting myself.

"Ryan! I'm talking to you!"

I looked at Macy and saw that her face was full of disappointment, confusion, and something else can't describe.

"I'm sorry Macy. Its just.. that scene was kinda over whelming. And yes that was the guy you thought was cute. His name is Shane."

Macy rubbed her temples and then finally said," You know what I say we do some investigating."

"With all of this?" I gestured at all the shopping bags.

She looked down at her watch.

"Well my mom should be at the parking lot by now, so I say we drop off the stuff at my place and go."



"Hello? Lana? Yes do you have Shane's Phone number?"

Macy is calling one of her old friends that have, like,all the schools info. From phone numbers to addresses, she has it all. Which was creepy. What does she even do, stalk people?

"Oh no I don't have his last name. Description? Has blond hair. Dimples."

I fiddled with the hem of my shirt while listening to Macy's conversation.

"Oh ok thanks! Bye."

I looked up from my shirt, and asked Macy,'' So, did you get his number?"



"Hello did you order Pizza?" Macy started off.

The voice on the other line asked," What? Is this some kind of prank-call or something? Because if its not, I'll take a large pizza with everything y'all have on it!"

I bit my hand to refrain from laughing.

"Okay, back to business. No, this isn't the pizza place, I'm here to ask you some top-secret information."

Shane stayed quiet.

"Can I ask li-like who this is?" he stuttered.

"Meet me at the mall you were just at in 20 mins."

"Wait what are y-" Shane was cut off by Macy, hanging up.

"Lets go!" She chirped.

"How will we get there? I'm pretty sure your mom won't take us. Again."

"Call a cab, of course." she told me, as if it was the obvious answer.

And off we go,to the mall. Once again. Don't get me wrong, I love the mall. But its just that walking for 2 hours, my feet are killing me, so I want to stay home and relax.

We tip and thank the Cab driver and get out, looking for Shane.

We walk to the food court, because I told Macy that he's a guy, and guys love food.

"Hey! Over here!" Someone said.

We looked over and saw Shane, eating at a booth, welcoming us over.

"Hello ladies, what do we need to 'talk' about? You are the ones that called, right?" he said as we slid into the booth.

"Are you a vampire?" I blurted.

I covered my mouth in shock, of being so blurt-y I guess, and Shane stops stuffing his face with French fries and burgers.

Yep you heard me, plural. Burgers.

How do eat that many?

Focus Ryan, Focus.


We started to attract attention, but Macy didn't care.


A baby started to cry, and a lady came over and asked us to keep it down.

I apologized and told Macy to contain herself.

Shane started to play with his food and stayed very quiet.

Macy stared at his every move. I felt kinda bad for him.

Finally after what seemed like forever, Shane spoke.

"Okay I'll admit it, I, Shane Baird am a vampire."


Soo I'm guessing majority of the readers are hating me right now? Yes? I know I haven't been bringing that vampire stuff up until now, hope you liked the chapter!

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