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*Harry's POV*

I yawn as I open my eyes. It's Monday already. I look at the clock. 8:00am. I should wake up Bella and offer her some bacon.

I pull on a black shirt and some sweatpants. I walk over to her room. Before I knock, I hear sniffling and crying. I open the door without knocking.

Bella is sitting on her bed. Pictures are strewn about her bed and an open box is sitting next to her.

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?!" She quickly starts putting away the pictures.

"Sorry. I heard you crying. I thought you were hurt."

"Well, I'm not. I'm fine." She wipes her eyes.

My eye is caught by a picture on the corner of her bed. I walk over and pick it up.

It's a picture of a family at DisneyWorld.

A beautiful brunette woman holding an infant. A slightly taller brown-haired man stands beside her. A young boy with brown curls stands in front of them.

Us. It's a picture of us. Our entire family. The Styles. Before everything went wrong.

"Give me that!" Bella grabs the picture out of my hand and puts it in the box. She closes the box and shoves it under bed. "Don't be snooping around in my room, Harold."

"I wasn't-"

"Just shutup." She snaps.

"Do you want some bacon?" I change the subject.

"No." She pushes me out the door and shuts it.


*Bella's POV*

I skip breakfast completely and start on my schoolwork. My laptop is set on my bed and I start scribbling in my notebook.

After I finish all my work for the day, I decide to finally take a shower.

I check my phone for any texts or calls. But nobody would ever text me. So, why do I even bother? The clock says 11:00am. I finished fast today.

After my shower, I get dressed in some black spandex leggings and a white tank-top.

I walk downstairs to an empty kitchen. No one's in the living room either.

I grab a protein bar and put my earbuds in.

'Classic' by MKTO comes on as I put my hair into a high ponytail.

I start running around the block.

I start to think about my mom. How we used to run together. I used to hate doing it. It was so much work. But she pushed me to try it with her and now I love to run. I haven't ran since the day of the accident.

I loved my mom and I miss her so much. I've cried my self asleep for the past three weeks, thinking about her.

And Harry being here isn't exactly helping. He just left right after dad died. He knew full well mom needed him. And he just left. He went to England and forgot about us. And that's something I probably could never forgive him for.

After I do my usual course, I return to the house.

I walk into the kitchen, where Harry is sitting at kitchen table. He stands up when he sees me and his eyes look worried. "Where have you been?!" He snaps.

"I went out for a run." I reply as I get myself some water. "Why do you care?"

"I care because you're my responsibility now, Bella. No matter how much you hate me or how much we fight, I'm still your older brother. I still care about you. You should've told me where you going." His voice gets softer.

"You don't care about me." I snort. "And you never have. You're only here because it's court order or something like that. If they never called you, you wouldn't even have known mom died because you didn't care." I look down at the floor. "You left right when mom needed you most."

"I was 8." He tries to defend himself.

"9." I correct him.

"Whatever. You don't understand-"

"I don't understand?!" I cut him off. "You left us, Harry. You left for 13 years with no contact whatsoever. Nobody knew where you were. If you were dead or alive. You went off to England and completely forgot about mom and I. You never cared about us, and that's pretty obvious. And I'm sorry, but that's something I don't think I can forgive you for."

Tears are streaming down my face and Harry says nothing. I run up to my room and lock the door.


Up by demand of my sister lol

-Anna xo

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