Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I was hot and sweaty as I made my way upstairs into my bedroom. I had just finish doing two hours of yard work and was truly beat, wanting nothing more but a big glass of water and a new change of clothes. I opened my door and flipped on my switch already pulling my shirt over my head.

"Wow, you should show your body more often," a voice said from behind me followed by an appreciative whistle. I nearly jumped out of my skin and shrieked covering my chest with my shirt. Justin was sitting in the far corner in my bean chair where I couldn't see him.

"Jesus Justin! What the hell are you doing in here?!" I asked flustered. He smirked and got up, flopping onto my bed as if he owned the place.

"You're dad let me in."

I placed my hand onto my forehead, "Dad!" I yelled out. 

"Don't bother, he's out grocery shopping," Justin said grinning, "I swear, this is how horror movies start out," he joked. I leaned over and smacked him with my sweaty shirt and grabbed a clean one walking out into the hallway and into the bathroom. As I changed, Justin leaned against the door and started talking about what we were going to do after I was done. Since Jeremy was at the Caribbeans and I usually spent most of my time with Jeremy, Justin used his absence to spend as much time with me as he wanted.

"We should go to a carnival or something, maybe the movies, or hey, how about the zoo?" Justin suggested through the door as I slipped a shirt over my head.

"I have a short activity we can do," I told him.

"What?" he asked with a hint of curiosity.

"My neighbors have a trampoline and are on vacation."


"Yeah," I replied opening the door and stepping out, "we can go over there for a while and play around." I was taken off guard when Justin picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He ran downstairs and out into my backyard, dropping me once we reached the fence. I watched him as he dropped over with ease and ran to their trampoline. I followed close behind and next thing I knew we were laughing like little kids jumping for hours.

"God, we must look so stupid right now," Justin said collapsing on his back. I stopped and looked at him, smiling.

"This took much longer than I actually thought," I said jumping once more before falling down beside him. The trampoline was warm against my skin and I sighed with exhaustion.

"Remember when you used to have a trampoline and how we would come up with competitions, like who could do the most back flips in two minutes or something?" Justin asked peering at me with his green eyes.

I nodded chuckling, "or sometimes we would jump for hours and then when we finally got on solid ground we would still continue to jump."

"Or even the time when you tried jumping off of the trampoline like a maniac and ended up falling flat on your face," Justin added.

"That was embarrassing, it was even at my own birthday party," I said wincing.

"That was also the birthday party where you tried to kiss me," Justin said grinning. I blushed red and looked away.

"You still remember that?" I asked.

"Of course I do, it was horrifying," I threw him a glare and he shrugged, grinning wider, "I'm just kidding Casey. Weird how that was the exact look Jeremy gave me when I told him that."

I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him, "I don't know, but I feel like there's something up with Jeremy."

"There could be, who knows."

I decided to drop the subject and smiled, "So what do you want to do now?" I asked.

"Go to the zoo actually because for some reason I really want to see some giraffes right now," Justin said grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

"Alright," I replied, he jumped off and looked at me.

"You probably shouldn't jump, remember how it ended last time?" he said smirking.

"I'm pretty sure I can do it now," I told him, rolling my eyes.

"Okay," he said doubtfully before walking away and making his way back over the fence.

I wish he saw it, because I landed beautifully.

"I'm pretty sure that's their way of flipping you off," Justin told me as I stared at the glass. On the other side there was a gorilla was pressing his butt against the glass right at me. I frowned because I really wasn't expecting to get this kind of display.

"Maybe he really wants us to check out his butt," I argued lamely. Justin laughed and grabbed my arm pulling me away, "where are we going now?" I asked.

"To see the lions, I think they are the best animals in the world," Justin said.

"Really, why?" I asked.

"Because they remind me of myself, you know, big, strong, dominating." I laughed out loud and nudged him playfully. "What?!" he exclaimed, "it's true isn't it?"

We made our way to the lions and we observed as they ate and lounged around. I watched the cubs and couldn't help but smile as they played around.

"We should get a pet lion," Justin said turning it to me, "we could get it to eat, uh what's her face, Katelynn. That would make my day."

I chuckled, "That's illegal and it would probably eat you right afterwards," I pointed out.

"True," he agreed.

"We should go see a different animal," I told him, beginning to walk away. We did, we saw the penguins, then the birds and the reptiles, along with a whole bunch more. By the time I arrived home I was toughly exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep. I vaguely explained to my dad about what we did and made sure that he understood that Justin was in fact, not allowed in the house without my knowledge. I made my way to my room and closed the door behind me, collapsing onto my bed once I was within reach.  My phone went off in my back pocket stopping me from closing my eyes and resting, I answered it without bothering to look at the screen.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, it's Jeremy, sorry that I didn't call sooner. How is everything?"

A smile made its way across my face, "Things are going pretty good. Justin is actually keeping me busy."

I could hear Jeremy chuckle from the other side, "I know he told me, he actually made a list and showed it to me."

"Really, so you could have warn me?"

"I could have."

"But you didn't."


"You do know he made us play tennis in the middle of the night, right?"

"Oh yeah, I remember him telling me about that," Jeremy said. "How did that go?"

"Terrible, I can’t play it in the day. So it was pretty terrifying at night.”

"I could imagine," I heard him say, "Well I've got to go, hopefully I'll be able to call you tomorrow or something."

"Okay, bye Jeremy," I didn't say good night because I wasn't sure if it was actually night over at where he was staying.

"Good night Casey," he said softly before hanging up. I pulled my phone away from my ear and placed on my nightstand.

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