Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"I haven't talked to you in forever!"

I smiled and hugged one of my best friends, Bridget who in returned squeezed me so hard that I could barely breathe.

"How are you doing?" she asked pulling back and grinning widely.

"I'm doing great, just taking the summer at ease," I told her. She was glowing and I had an idea why, so when she waved her new boyfriend Michael over I couldn't say I wasn't surprised.

"Well I'm doing great too. Especially since I met this guy," Bridget replied kissing Michael once he approached us.

"Hey," he said to me with a smile.

"Hi." He was amazingly good looking with dark hair and green eyes. I felt a slight pang of jealousy and stared intently at the coke I was holding.

"Hey since we haven't hung out in quite a while we should go on a double date or something," Bridget said eagerly, nodding her head at Michael. I looked at her for a moment before I opened my mouth to speak.

"I don't have a boyfriend Bridget," I told her feeling a heat rise up to my cheeks.

"Yeah, I know that silly, but you can bring a guy friend or something. Why don't you bring Jeremy, he's hot."

"Ahem" Michael said with a raised eyebrow. Bridget flashed a sweet smile and patted him on the chest.

"Not as hot as you sweetie," she assured him, "but really you two should double with us,"she urged.

I shook my head, "He's gay, I thought you already knew that."

"No way!"

"Uh, yeah."

"That's too bad, you guys would have made a cute couple," Bridget said with a hint of disappointment, "maybe you can find another guy?" From the side of us I could see Justin humping the air and dancing widely.

"Like Justin," I joked, I hadn't talked to him all day and wondered what on earth he had been up to.

Bridget giggled and tossed her hair, "I'm going to pretend that I didn't see that, but hey I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah," I replied just as Justin came walking toward me. I waved them a good-bye and decided to meet Justin halfway.

"Cause baby you're a firework!" Justin sang loudly grabbing my arm and pulling me against him. I got a whiff of his breath and could tell he had been drinking which explained the singing and groping of random people that I saw him do.

"Justin maybe you should stop drinking and sit down for a minute," I advised him, I made him sit on the grass and sat beside him. We were at the lake for the Fourth of July and it was just a few minutes past nine o'clock. It was a small lake, man-made and there was at least twenty people there. Everyone seemed to be having fun, talking to each other and eating. I could see Jeremy from where I was sitting, he was talking to a really cute guy that I didn't recognize. I couldn't imagine what they would be talking about. I caught his eye and gave him a small wave just as Justin's head landed on my lap.

"I don't feel too good," he moaned pressing his hand against his forehand. I looked down at him, turning my attention away from Jeremy and brushed his hair away.

"Do you want some water or something?" I asked, "it might help since you're going to get dehydrated if you're not already." Justin nodded and sat up so I could get up and get him a water bottle at a nearby table. I walked over to it and grabbed the water bottle, looking up to make sure Justin was staying in his place when Jeremy came into view.

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