chapter 5

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"Can you keep up Shadowpaw?" Mewed Bluepaw. It was fullmoon, and time for the four clans to go to the gathering. She got to go with Bluepaw. Seasonpaw and Flamepaw.
"Remember, be nice to the other clans, and respect their ways. Dont insult them" mewed Sparrowfeather.
"But what if we said something that insulted them and we didnt know?" Asked Flamepaw.
"Then you apolagize" said Sparrowfeather and moved along.
"Come on lets go, you dont want to be late to your forst gathering do you?" Asked Bluepaw. When he said that, Shadowpaw ran up front where her mentor was.

They have arrived at the gathering.
"Theres usually a few moments before the meeting starts, so go around, meet new cats, try to be friends with them. But dont give anything away that might weaken us" said Sparrowfeather and dissapeard in the group of cats.
"Im going over to the big warriors, i bet they'll tell about their latest victory, just like last time" said Flamepaw and hurried over to a group of big warriors.
"Im gonna take a look on the other cats" said Bluepaw and walked into the croud. Now Shadowpaw was standing all alone.
"Hello, quess we both are alone tonight hu?" Said someone. Shadowpaw turned around and looked at a brown cat, with white legs, and had grass green eyes. She regonized the voice.
"Im skypaw" he introduced.
"Im Shadowpaw, do you belong to Sunclan?" She asked in a nonfriendly tone.
"Yes, yes i do" he mewed. Well he looks freindly. Thought Shadowpaw.
"you're the cat that talked to me a few moons ago" she said and glared at him. she lowered her ears, but he kept smiling.
"Yeah that was me" he said. Doesnt this cat ever get scared? Thought Shadowpaw. She finds this cat, pretty interresting.
"Who's your mentor?" He asked and looked around.
"Sparrowfeather, he's the clan deputy. He sits over there, next to Goldenstar" she explained. She began sounding a little more friendly.
"Cool, your mentor is the deputy, awesome! My mentor is wolffang, he's the grey tom over there" he said and pointed with his tail at a grey tom.
"He looks nasty" she said and tried to sound funny. Skypaw snorted.
"Maybe but he's one of the greatest warriors in the clan. Even though our clan is smaller than ever" he said. Shadowpaw giggled shortly.
"Are you friends with other cats from other clans? You seem to get along with everyone" asked Shadowpaw. Skypaw snorted.
"You see that brown tabby she-cat over there? Thats my sister" he explained
"Even though she's from Moonclan" he mumbled. Shadowpaw shakes her head in confusion. Her wishkers twitching.
"Why is she from Moonclan when you're from Sunclan?" Asked Shadowpaw.
"I... i really dont want to talk about it, please. Oh look, the meeting is about to start" he said and sat down. He looked up at the leaders.
"Who's Shystar?" Asked Shadowpaw.
"She's the beautiful blonde, white she-cat over there" he said. Shadowpaw looked up at the she-cat. She was beautiful.
"That over there is sneezestar" he said. Sneezestar is a white and brown tom. Sitting next to Shystar.
"Is that Sweetstar?" Asked Shadowpaw .
"Silence" Said snowstar. A white tom.
"Sweetstar will start" he said and gave Sweetstar a sign.
"spiritclans territory is beginning to be filled with twolegs. Climing up on our hill, stealing herbs, scaring prey. In the past, Spiritclan was the biggest clan anyone have seen, but now. We are few. My clan is slowly dying. We dont have enough food, and theres more cats that gets greencough" he explained. Shadowpaw looked at him. Where does she wanna go with all of this? She thought and looked at skypaw. He wasnt confused. His expression was normal, as he is.
"How does the Spiritclan territory look like?" Asked Shadowpaw. Skypaw looked at her.
"Its a place with alot of rocks" he explained.
"Hush now, or i'll cut both of yours throats!" Warned Furyfang. Skypaw lowered his head, Shadowpaw rolled her eyes. furyfang may say tuff things like that, nut she'll never do something like
"anyway, the prey in Sunclan is going well" explained Shystar. her gaze meet Skypaw, who was sitting next to Shadowpaw.

The meeting was over, and Skypaw dissapeard with the other Sunclan cats.
"Hey Shadowpaw, are you coming?" Mewed Bluepaw. Shadowpaw looked at Bluepaw.
"Im coming" she yelled and ran up besides Seasonpaw and Bluepaw.
"Why does the deputy come to the gathering?" Asked Seasonpaw. Shadowpaw and Bluepaw looked confused at her.
"What do you mean?" Asked Bluepaw.
"If the leader and deputy both leaves camp, ungardet. Then what will happen if another clan attacked us when we were at a gathering?" Asked Seasonpaw.
"I havent actually thought of that, you?" Asked Bluepaw and looked at Shadowpaw. She closed her eyes.
"Why should i think of such a silly thing" said Shadowpaw in annoyngment and ran up besides the others.

"And then, Shadowpaw jumped and her face pumped the ground" bigpaw laughed. Bluepaw and flamepaw was with them. They sat inside the Apprentice's den, preparing their training for today. Lilypaw was napping in her nest, and seasonpaw was beeing pushed around by the medicine cat.
"Come on bigpaw! You promised not to tell anyone!" Shadowpaw spat.
"Sorry, not sorry" bigpaw mewed while Bluepaw and flamepaw laughed their throats out.
"You landed on your face, when pounching on a mouse?" Flamepaw tried to ask while laughing.
"Fine i get. Im not the best to catch mices, its understood" shadowpaw hissed in annoyence. Bluepaw looked at the entrence. A whitertabby she-cat, pushed her way in.
"Bluepaw, bigpaw! Goldenstar wishes you two to have your assesments!" Furyfang spat and raced out into the clearing.
"Now? I mean, bigpaw havent had that much experience" flamepaw asked and looked at the two toms. Bluepaw looked at flamepaw and shrugged. Bigpaw had an intence gaze, resting on furyfang. Only surpriseness flashed in his eyes, and curiosity prickled in his ragged pelt.
"I agrre. But that means I'll be a warrior soon!" Bigpaw quickly changed his emotions, and turned exiteted. Fury flashed in Shadowpaw's eyes in anger. Bigpaw noticed Shadowpaw, and smirked at her.
"Whats the matter shadowpaw? Jealous much?" He teased. Shadowpaw drew her lips back in a feirce snarl. Hissing at bigpaw.
"No way! I dont care when I'll be a warrior or never. And i deffinetly dont care about you!" Shadowpaw hissed. Bigpaw didnt smirk anynore. He just looked interrested.
"We'll see. Come on Bluepaw" bigpaw raced up to the edge of the clearing, where furyfang and thrushwing qas standing. Bluepaw raced after him.
"Its alright to be jealous Shadowpaw" flamepaw's tone was gentle. His words made shadowpaw angry, but his personality made her frustruatied.
"I... was not... i just... URGH!" Shadowpaw turned around and headed for her nest. Flamepaw's black pelt was camuflaged in the dark den, but his beauyiful blue eyes shoned with understandment.
"What are you looking at?" Shadowpaw asked. Flamepaw didnt answer. He padded over to her, and layed his body in the nest beside her.
"I can never understand you. But that just gives me alot to learn" he mewed. Shadowpaw took notice. She quickly looked away, not looking back at the dawnclan Apprentice.

"Aw come on! How did it get away from me!?" Shouted Shadowpaw in anger. She just lost a rabbit, while hunting. She looked around. She didnt regonize the place, or the stench.
"I think i know what this place is. Its... the twoleg's place" mumbled Shadowpaw for herself. A sound was heard from besides her. She turned around, seeing a twoleg nest. Five fox lenghts away. She crawled in fighting position, in case a kittypet or a dog have planed to attack her. She had her ears laying as flat as she could. Then she began crawling towards it. Suddenly when she was a fox lenght away, a white shadow jumped on the fence.
"Gar!" Hissed Shadowpaw. She lookes at the cat. It was a white she-cat, with a blue color on.
"Hello my name is Swan. What's yours?" The kittypet asked. Shadowpaw thought for a moment.
"The names Shadowpaw" she said and stod up.
"Are you one of those forest cats, who sharpen their claws on old rabbit bones. And kill each other to be the strongest cat who survives?" Asked Swan. Shadowpaw began laughing. This is to funny! Thought Shadowpaw. Swan tilted her head.
"You've heard about those myths?" Asked Shadowpaw and continued laughing. She slowly stopped laughing.
"But yes, im one of those cats who lives in the forest" she explained. Swan nooded. She jumped down from the fence, and landed infront of Shadowpaw. Shadowpaw flinched took a step back in surprise.
"How is the forest?" She asked.
"Its okay, but different in others territory" explained Shadowpaw.
"How many clans are there?" She asked.
"There's five." She explained.
"Whats your rank in the clan?" She asked.
"Im an Apprentice, but i think I'll be a warrior soon" she answered.
"Who feeds you?" She asked. Shadowpaw smiled.
"We hunt for our self and our clan" mewed Shadowpaw. Swan's eyes sparkled with facination.
"Wait how did you know we had clans and ranks in the forest?" Asked Shadowpaw and glared at Swan.
A loud yell from the twoleg was heard from the nest. Shadowpaw crawled into a little crouch
"Thats my house keepers, I'd better go. It was nice meeting you though" mewed Swan. She jumped up on the fence and dissapeard in the twoleg garden. Shadowpaw likes that kitypet.
Shadowpaw began her way home. And will catch something on her way.

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