chapter 25

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Bluemoon padded after the warriors. Two moons have passed since the attack. Everyday Bluemoon felt hungry, he got more hungry evertime someone mentions Shadowclaw.

Dawnclan have been losing against the twolegs. The monsters have taken over half their territory. All the rabbits have been poisened and the less hearbs have been found, so Rockpile died of greencough.

Dawnclan have moved their camp to the river stones. The camp had been invaded by the monsters, a tree had fallen over to the medicine den, with Amethystscar inside. Bluemoon remembered the sight.

Bluemoon sat in the clearing, frozen of horror. The monsters came forward and forward, there was nos topping them. Starmoon helped Tigertail to get Berrykit and Nightkit out.

Bluemoon flicked around and saw Amethystscar, and Seasonleaf. The old she-cat almost looked dead laying on the ground. Seasonleaf stood infront of her. Her claws unsheated and fur raised.

"Seasonleaf help me!" The old she-cat begged. Seasonleaf's eyes blazed with fury. "No" she whisperes. Bluemoon felt him body froze. Why wasnt his sister going to save the medicine cat?
Seasonleaf bent down.

"Being a medicine cat never played a well role in my life. Being a warrior was all i ever wanted. And now, you'll pay" the golden she-cat spat. Bluemoon opened his mouth. He smelled something odd. Is that... fire?! Bluemoon raced over to the high rock. The whole camp was sat on fire.

Bluemoon looked up. He saw the tree near the medicine den losing its balance. Its going to fall! Bluemoon spotted Seasonleaf race out of the camp. Amethystscar laid on the ground, helpless. As the tree begam to fall, Amethystscar shreiked in fear.

"Be aware! Shadows will blaze brighter than the moon!" The she-cat shrieked. At last the tree fell on top on her and crushed her bones. Old bag of bones.

As bluemoon padded after Cherrypelt and Firestripe, he realized his kin was gone. I lost Mistfog, My father Skyheart, and My sister Lilypaw! Bluemoon glanced at Seasonleaf padded out of a bracken bush. Dont worry. I will protect you.

Prey was becoming harder to catch. If a patrol was lucky they'd come back with a mice or two. Border patrols werent needed anymore. Instead only hunting counted.

As Clawfoot padded over to them, Cherrypelt froze.
"Not even one sincle scent of prey" Cherrypelt informed. Clawfoot growled and clawed the ground.
"This isnt good. Its almost leafbare, and prey is becoming more scarce than ever" the silver tabby hissed under his breath.

Bluemoon realized he wasnt the only one who lost everything -almost everything. Clawfoot lost his brother, and his mate, now he only has his daughter.

Ticcispeak raced over to Clawfoot and signaled him to come along. Almost all the prey went to Tigertail and her kits. Fishcatcher -the only elder left- insisted not to eat.

As a mew spoke to Bluemoon, he jumped. Energystar had padded over to him.
"Can you take a patrol to check on the other clans?" The leader mewed. Bluemoon tilted his head.
"I not only fear for our safety, but for the whole forest. Im sure Sunclan is doing well, but please. Check the other clans" the leader begged. Bluemoon grunted but nodded.
"Yes Energystar" he obeyed. Who should i pick for the patrol? Furyfang, Melodypaw, Deathcloud... and Flamewing?

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