chapter 23

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Shadowclaw padded into the clearing, eyeing leappaw and melodypaw behind her and furyfang. Melodypaw hadnt caught anything on her way back, but leappaw had caught a tiny mouse. She spotted deathcloud sitting with clawfoot and skyheart, looking unconfterbell. He's proobaly not used to eat with the deputy and a senior warrior.

Leappaw padded to the kill pile, and placed his mouse down. Shadowclaw noticed oakpaw outside the Apprentice's den. He looked down in the ground, his tail covering paws.
Shadowclaw felt an odd feeling in her belly, a feeling she havent felt before. Sorrow and guilt

Shadowclaw padded over to him, his head down. Obviusly havent noticed her.

"Um oakpaw?" She started. Oakpaw almost flew up in the air, when she spoke. Looking startled. He was Breathing heavily.

" yes?" He mewed startled. Shadowclaw sighed. "I've never imagened me saying this but, are you okay?" Shadowclaw asked. Oakpaw shooked his head. "So... what is... matter" Shadowclaw forced herself to let her words out of her mouth. Oakpaw sighed.

"Pheonixfeather have been avoiding me. And..." he paused, looking down at his paws. "And?" Shadowclaw asked him to continue. "So, why are you so upset that pheonixfeather is a lazy cat?" Shadowclaw asked. Oakpaw began looking nervous, more than ussual.

"You dont get it Shadowclaw!" Oakpaw hissed with a bit of sadness in his voice. "Then tell me!" Shadowclaw spat. Oakpaw let out a growl. "Its none of your business. Forget i ever talked to you!" Oakpaw hissed. He placed himself on his paws, and slipped away from Shadowclaw, and into the Apprentice's den.

"Well that sure was weird" Shadowclaw sprung up in the air surprised. Seasonleaf have appeard behind her. "Why is every cat sneaking up on me?!" Shadowclaw shouted. Seasonleaf tilted her head, but let out a mrrow of laughter.

"You dont get why he's upset, do you?" Seasonleaf taunted. Shadowclaw shook her head, and eyed the Apprentice's den. "Should i have?" Shadowclaw asked. Seasonleaf sighed. "He's in love" seasonleaf mewed. Shadowclaw flipped her head to seasonleaf, eyes wide. "With... who?" Shadowclaw asked. Seasonleaf raised her eyebrows, in surprise. "You're more blind than a vole" she sighed. Is it me?! It better not be me, or i'll go join starclan right now! "He's in love with pheonixfeather" seasonleaf sighed. Shadowclaw breathed out. "You scared me for a moment. Wait... pheonixfeather?!" Shadowclaw gasped, feeling a bit dizy. But she's with... ohhhhhhh. Shadowclaw thought, finally getting why pheonixfeather was avoiding oakpaw. She was with spotpaw.

"Where's Bluemoon?"  Shadowclaw asked. Seasonleaf shrugged.
"Last i saw him he went with Energystar and Crowwind on a hunting patrol" seasonleaf explained.
"Okay, thanks!" Shadowclaw raced away, and out the entrence to the camp.

She walked in the forest tryiing to scent Energystar's patrol. Shadowclaw groaned. Why does there have to be drama in my life?! A rustle from the bushes pudhed Shadowclaw out of her thoughts.
Crow-wind, Energystar and Bluemoon padded out.
"Shadowclaw!" Bluemoon sjouted happily. He raced over ro Shadowclaw and nudged her flank.
"Is something troubling you dear?" Energystar asked sweetly. Bluemoon sat down beside her and his gaze were fixed on Shadowclaw. Shadowclaw looked at Energystar and shook her head.

"No i just needed to speak with Bluemoon" Shadowclaw explained. Energystar nodded and raced away with Crow-wind a tail lenght behind.
"What is it?" Bluemoon asked and tilted his head. Shadowclaw took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
"I need to tell you something. and i also need a favuor" Shadowclaw explained.

"Anything" Bluemoon mewed with a glimt of happiness in his gaze. "I know im asking alot but, there is this cat who's in love with a cat, but this cat doesnt love him, because she likes another cat from another clan" Shadowclaw mewed. Bluemoon held his gaze. He gave Shadowclaw a go on look.
"Who are those cats?" Bluemoon asked sweetly.
"Oakpaw loves Pheonixfeather, but Pheonixfeather loves Spotpaw who's from Leafclan" Shadowclaw mewed shortly. Bluemoon opened hos eyes in surprise. He narrowed his gaze and flexed his claws in the ground.

"How many secrets do you have to held on to?" Bluemoon growled in sympathy. "Too many" Shadowclaw answered with a growl. Bluemoon looked at her again.
"So what was the favour?" Bluemoon asked. Shadowclaw took a breath. "Look, i dont know how to split them up, thats what i wondered if you could do" Shadowclaw wondered. "You mean, Kill Spotpaw?" Bluemoon asked. Shadowclaw froze. Well he could but, its wrong. I did it a couple of times but.. GARRR!!!
"Well i dont know!" Shadowclaw hissed. Shadowclaw turned and Bluemoon faced her tail.

"Do what you wanna do. Im not gonna get myself into trouble" Shadowclaw whispered. But high enough so Bluemoon could hear her. Shadowclaw looked up and raced away.

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