chapter 26

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Bluemoon felt his pelt prickle with curiosuty. Why all of the sudden had the two cats died?
Sneezestar leaped down from the tall rock, and hurried to Petalrose.

"How?" The old leader asked with a grunt. He gave the Dawnclan cats a quick stare, before his gaze rested on Petalrose again.

"I saw Spiderpool and Morningfrost sharing those rabbits" Brackenpaw mewed, anxiety clawing her voice.
Hazelpaw hurried to her sister's side.
Im not the only one who lost their parents. Bluemoon thought with a grunt.

The two she-cat limped away, while Lionflight padded over to Sneezestar.
"We cant live here, Sneezestar. The two-legs have destroyed Leafclan's marks. We should give in" Lionflight insisted. Sneezestar shoot Lionflight a furius stare.
"I will never give in!" The old leader spat at his deputy. Lionflight sighed and padded over to the warriors.

"Two-legs have poisened our rabbits. We ended up with having little prey. Leafclan is to proud to ask, but when i ask, i ask from all of us-" Bluemoon held his gaze as the golden warrior spoke.
"Will Dawnclan shelter us?" Lionflight asked. Bluemoon shook his head.
"Wait what?" Bluemoon asked. Lionflight signladed his tail for Bluemoon and the others, to look around in the camp.

"Two-legs came far into our land. Farther than we thought. They seem to take these monsters into our territory. Scaring all the prey, ruin Petalrose's herbs. Leafclan will not survive any longer, if we stay" Lionflight explained. Sneezestar hurried to his side.

"Are you completely mouse-brained?! Why would you give up our secrets?!" Sneezestar hissed at his deputy. Lionflight's pelt didnt flash with anxiety or anything. Instead, he remained calm and rested his gaze.

"We have no other choice. Leafclan will die if we dont act-" the deputy got cut off again.
"Act? Asking others for shelter?!" Bluemoon felt the leader's eyes narrowing at him. Then his gaze returned to Lionflight.
"I made a big mistake about making you deputy" the old cat growled and lashed his tail. He flicked around and padded into his den.

Lionflight went back to Bluemoon's patrol.
"He lost a life from this food poisoning. Thats why he's so scared" Lionflight explained. Deathcloud padded forward.

"I wouldnt suspect we were the only clans with trouble" he broke in. Shut up for once you stupid rogue!
Lionflight looked puzzled.
"Pardon?" Lionflight exclained. Deathcloud lashed his bushy tail.
"Dawnclan also has problems. We've lost half our territory thanks to the two-legs" Deathcloud growled.

"And this also caused death in your clan?" The deputy asked. Deathcloud nodded. This time, Bluemoon broke in.
"We lost Mistfog and Rockpile. Skyheart, Dustheart and..." Bluemoon couldnt force himself to mention Shadowclaw's name. Instead Deathcloud took the lead.
"Shadowclaw also. But, there is no evidence they're dead. Just missing. They can come back" Deathcloud calmed. Bluemoon felt a tail on his shoulder. He turned to see a white tail. He looked up and saw Deathcloud had placed his tail on Bluemoon in sympathy.

"And im sure Energystar would welcome you in. Your whole clan" Deathcloud finished. Bluemoon glared at the black warrior. Lionflight gratefully dipped his head.
"Thank you. I will prepare my clan to leave. I believe you have other things to discuss" as the golden warrior padded away. Jayfur and Asterheart came up to them.

"We'll escort you back, in case something goes wrong" Asterheart explained. Bluemoon dipped his head gratefully.

"Starclan honuors you" Bluemoon thanked. Asterheart padded out of the camp, with the Dawnclan cats behind him.

Asterheart and Jayfur let the Dawnclan cats to the Dawnclan border. Bluemoon's patrol raced through the place that used to be his forest. Bluemoon sat Flamewing and Melodypaw to the camp to report to Energystar. Furyfang went to show Leafclan the way.

Bluemoon and Deathcloud neared the border. But suddenly, Deathcloud stopped up. Deathcloud glared at Bluemoon, with disbelief.

"Killing Spotfoot, why?" Deathcloud asked. Bluemoon froze and widened his eyes in feae. How did he... how dies he... i cant.... Bluemoon relaxed and looked into Deathcloud's green eyes.

"How did you know?" Bluemoon asked with a hunt if fear. Deathcloud ignored him.
"Why are you scared? You werent scared when you killed Spotfoot" Deathcloud asked sly. Bluemoon's pelt prickled with fear.
"Shadowclaw couldnt bare to hold on another secret!" Bluemoon hissed.just now, Bluemoon noticed how big the warrior was. His broad shoulders stretched.

"I was out that night, i saw you snuck away, so i decided to follow you" Deathcloud confessed. Bluemoon stiffened. His legs frozen to the ground.
Another scent hit the area.

"Spiritclan!" Bluemoon shouted. Deathcloud groaned. Five cats padded out of the bushes. other cats followed. Its the whole clan!

Sweetstar padded forward and greeted the two warrios, by dipping her head.
"Greetings brave Dawnclan cats" Sweetstar greeted. The black and pale ginger she-cat dipped her head.
"I suspect Energystar send you?" She asked.
"You have a problem with that?" Deathcloud sneered. Mouse brain.
"Abselutely not. my clan and i were in our way to Ask Dawnclan-" Sweetstar was cut of by Deathcloud.
"To ask if Dawnclan could shelter your clan asweel?" Deathcloud guessed. Bluemoon flexed his claws.
I'll kill you next!

"Yes, that would be the case" Sweetstar admitted. Bluemoon flicked around.
"Follow me"

Bluemoon and Deathcloud took the Spiritclan cats back to Dawnclan -and Leafclan. Apprently Spiritclan's territory have been destroyed. The two-legs coming in their big yellow monsters, and breaking the cliffs and rocks.

"Im sorry for the trouble my clan is causing" Sweetstar apoligized. Bluemoon turned and flixed his gaze on Deathcloud and the others. The three cats have climbed one of the river stones, and were now iscussing something.

Bluemoon slowly padded closer to hear what they were saying.
"It would only be a matter of time before they banish us" Flamewing grunted.
"What did we exspect? Its clans" Firefeather retorted. Bluemoon's pelt bristled.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath my paws for a clan meeting" without Bluemoon had noticed, Energystar had jumped up on the biggest riverstone, and Sweetstar and Sneezestar beside her.
On short time, all cats began padding under the stone, and had their gazes fixed on Energystar.

"As most if you know, Leappaw's mentor -Shadowclaw- went missing, and Leappaw no longer has a mentor" why would you bring this up?!
"My Apprentices must not come behind their training, so Leappaw will get a new mentor imidiantly" Energystar mewed. The white body on Leappaw neared beneath the stone.

"Deathcloud, you may be a rogue, but you are a great warrior. I wish for you to take over Leappaw's training" Energystar pleased. Bluemoon noticed Deathcloud's pelt prickle with exitement. Firefeather and Flamewing exchanged happy glanced.
Perhaps Energystar heard they conversation.

Deathcloud padded over to Leappaw and leaned down and touched his nose.
"I hope you can keep up" Deathcloud mewed down to Leappaw. Leappaw let out a mrrow of amusement.

"Sneezestar and Sweetstar also had something to declare" Energystar announced and took a pace back. Sweetstar and Sneezestar fought about standing in the front. Then Sweetstar spoke.

"Our two medicine cats have revieced more than one sign for us to leave." The golden and black leader announced.
"I spoke with my clan, and they all agreed we should flee" Sneezestar mewed with a grunt.
We... we cant just leave! How will Shadowclaw find us?!?!?!

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