chapter 15

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Deathcloud have been gone for a while. He went to fetch crow, firefeather and flamewing. Shadowpaw and Energystar was still waiting outside the nest.
"Whats taking him so long?" Shadowpaw asked and looked around. A little squil was heard. Shadowpaw and Energystar could both see what made that noise. A mouse had digged its nuts down in the ground. Shadowpaw crouched down and crept forward. The mouse was alnost gone, but Shadowpaw sprung at the mouse. The helpless creature was dangleling from her jaws. She ended the hunt with killing the mouse.
"Dig in" Shadowpaw mewed and dropped the mouse infront of Energystar. She nooded gratefully, and digged her teeth down in the creatures fur. Over the moorland, Shadowpaw could see Deathcloud's black fluffy fur, racing towards them. Behind him were the other three. Shadowpaw ran up to them. She wanted to greed them. Shadowpaw stopped infront of Deathcloud, and pressed her white fur against his black chest.
"Everyone, remember Shadowpaw? Or Shadowkit as it was?" Deathcloud asked and looked at Crow and the others.
"Waow, she has grown!" The female cat mewed and walked over to Shadowpaw. She walked around Shadowpaw in circles.
"It feels like yesterday you were a mewling kit" flamewing mewed and sniffed. Crow didnt coment on seeing Shadowpaw again. Instead she walked over to Energystar.
"Energystar now eh?" She asked and looked at Energystar. Energystar nooded and pressed her muzle against Crow's.
"Does this mean you all want to come back with us?" Shadowpaw asked and looked at the rouges.
"You bet! I've been dreaming about living in the forest!" Firefeather exclamied.
"Then what are we waiting for. Lets go" Energystar mewed and walked away. Shadowpaw saw that Energystar was walking the same way tigerstar had showed her.
"Are we there yet?" Flamewing bothered from behind.
"What are you talking about? We havent even walked for a minute?" Shadowpaw asked and looked at Deathcloud.
"Dont take notice of them. They're always like that" he mewed and placed his tail on Shadowpaw's shoulder.

"Its feels so good being back in the forest again" Shadowpaw mewed and stretched out. Flamewing and firefeather had complained the whole way, and wouldnt shut up until they all reached the forest. Shadowpaw jumped herself down in the graass, and rolled on it.
"Come on. The camp is just a little farther" Energystar mewed and signaled with her tail. Shadowpaw smelled the sweet scent of the forest. The scent was filled with mouse and smelly herbs. Wonder what have changed in these three days? Shadowpaw walked after Energystar. They were almost there, she could smell the scent of cats and the camp. The camp entrence!
She raced past Energystar and ran into the tunnel, that lead to the camp. She could feel the flat ground under beneath her paws. And the warm svent of fresh kill slashed her nose.
"Moonclan are attacking!" A loud mewl was heard from tunnel. She sprung out to the middle of the camp. Seeing everyone also tried to fix their gaze upon the tresspassers. But no one seemed to know where they were, or even smell their scent.
"Melodykit! See what you have done! There are no moonclan cats attacking us!" Tigertail hissed at melodykit. Melodykit lowered her head in shame.
"S... sorry" she mumbled. Tigertail took melodykit by the scruff and carried her back into the nursery.
"Shadowpaw?" A mew was spoken. Pheonixpaw stepped forward and pressed her muzle against her sisters shoulder.
"You're back!" She mewed and licked her shoulder. She looked around. Trying to spot someone.
"Where's Energytail?" She asked and looked at Shadowpaw. Shadowpaw pointed her nose at the entrence. Out from it came Energystar, Crow, Deathcloud, firefeather and Flamewing. The cats began to step forward. Probaly looking why four rouges have entered the camp.
"Not playing goldenstar are you Energytail?" Clawfoot stepped forward. Energystar shaked her head and looked at her cats. She ran pass the fresh kill pile, and sprung up on the high rock.
"My clan mates. I am not playing Goldenstar, in fact im not playing at all. These four cats have i invited to join our clan" all the cat beneath her began to mumble.
"Why would you do that Energytail?!" Mewed fishcatcher from the elders group.
"We've lost so many cats these few moons. Sparrowfeather, bramblekit, flamepaw, bladepaw and lilypaw. It would be about time we get new warriors" she mewed and looked at the four rouges. The cats stopped to mumble and looked up at her, with respectfull whiskers
"Three of them have already propper names, but one still needs her warrior name" she mewed. That must be Crow she's talking about.
"Crow, you have been in the clan before, i know what your name should be. So from this day and forward, this cat will be called Crowwind" Energystar mewed. Crowwind nooded and licked Energystar's shoulder. What did she mean when she said she had been in the clan before? Crowwind walked over and sat besides deathcloud and firefeather. Energystar spoke again.
"Shadowpaw, you're mentor sparrowfeather have joined our ancesters, so i will give you a new mentor" Energystar mewed. Shadowpaw walked forward, fixing her gaze on Energystar.
"Clawfoot, you were a great mentor to cherrypelt, and i now wish for you to take over Shadowpaw's training" clawfoot didnt look as exited as any other cat. But he nooded and walked over to Shadowpaw, with his tail on the dusty ground. He touched Shadowpaw's nose with his own.
He mowed his nose and walked over to skyheart and sat down. Shadowpaw followed him, and sat besides him. He snorted and looked at Energystar.

The sun was already going down when Energystar called on another meeting. The moon was almost up, and it was time to choose an deputy.
"I say these words before sparrowfeather's body, so his spirit may hear and aprove my choice. The new deputy of dawnclan will be clawfoot. You are a great warrior, and friend and i exspect you to do your best" clawfoot lifted his tail in surprise. He leaped onto the stone, sitting besides Energystar, while the camp was cheering his name. Shadowpaw knew the meeting was over. She yawned and walked into the Apprentice's den. She placed herself in a nest, and let the peacefull wind blow her mind away.

"Clawfoot, i want you to organize a patrol to thank sunclan" Energystar mewed and looked at clawfoot. clawfoot nooded.
"Furyfang, Dustheart, thrushwing and bluemoon. You will come along" clawfoot mewed. Him and the other four cats raced towards the exit. Shadowpaw just got up to him.
"Can i come to?" She asked. Clawfoot lookes after the others, and sighed.
"Fine, you can come along" he sighed.
"Woaw, try to control your exitement clawfoot" furyfang mewed sarcastic and looked at Shadowpaw.
"You dont say. I was about to jump on cherrypelt because i thought he was from moonclan" bluemoon mewed
"You? I felt my skin was about to jump off" angelheart mewed.
"Come on. We have work to do" clawfoot mewed and snerred. The cats nooded and followed him out of the tunnel. Shadowpaw ran after them. It felt nice running through the tunnel again with warriors, no Apprentices only warriors.

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