chapter 13

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Shadowpaw and Energystar were going home, they stopped at a thunderpath. A monster had just run through, and Shadowpaw's fur was on an end.
"Dont worry, the monsters never leaves the thunderpath. Didnt sparrowfeather teach you this?" She asked. Shadowpaw fur was layed down, she looked at Energystar and shakes her head.
"He was always to busy" she mewed. Then another monster ran across. Shadowpaw sprung up in surprise, and landed safely on her paws. Her gaze moved to Energystar, who's gaze was pointed on the other side.
"We wont cross the thunderpath" she mewed and walked away. Shadowpaw blinked in confusion.
"Wait, what why?"she asked and ran after Energystar.
"Because leafclan is on the other side, and they wont let us pass. And i could smell a patrol on the other side" she mewed. She could smell a patrol so far away, and over a thunderpath that smells like who knows what? Shadowpaw thought. She followed Energystar. Energystar was walking towards the twoleg's nests. Shadowpaw stopped up and looked at Energystar.
"Why are we going there?" She asked.
"I know a safer way. Follow me, and trust me" she mewed and continued walking.
"Okay, now you're making me nervous" mewed Shadowpaw.
They were following a path behind many two-leg nest. A few strays have greeted them.
"Were almost there" mewed Energystar and began running a bit. Shadowpaw's paws were beginning to ache.
"Cant we take a quick break?" She asked. Energystar quickly turned around, as if she thought it was a joke. Shadowpaw could see it was a no to understand. She sighed and kept on following.
They were finally out of the two-leg place, now they were standing in the open moorland. A little farther, an abonded two-leg nest was standing.
"Where now?" Shadowpaw asked.
"I dont know, last time i had cat with me who knew this like his own paw" Energystar explained. Great! Now were lost, can this day get any worse?! Shadowpaw snarled. Energystar looked around. Her ears raised.
"This way, i think" she mewed and walked towards a deep hollow. Shadowpaw sighed and lookes around. She looked down in the hollow. She could see the bottom, it was three fox lenghts deep. A snarl was heard. Shadowpaw quickly raised her head. Energystar had heard it too. Her claws were sheated, and her fur was bristleling. A big shape was running towards them. It teeths were like badgers, and its head was as big as a rabbit. Dog! The dog tried to snap after Shadowpaw, but something pushed her away. She landed on the hard ground. The dog was about to walk over to her, but Energystar scratched its face, and it growled.
"Quick Shadowpaw! Run!" She yowled. Shadowpaw couldnt run away, but she couldnt stay. She found a rabbit hole and hid in there. The dog and Energystar was both standing on the edge to the deep hollow. Dont fall! The ground under them was beginning to shake. Small earth stumps fell down in the hollow. Energystar looked down in the hollow.
"Its now or never!" Energystar howled. She took the dogs leg, and pulled it to her. The ground under the dog had gotten away, the dog had slipped down. Energystar was dangleling with her orange body. Shadowpaw raced out to her mother, trying to reach her.
"Just hold on!" Shadowpaw mewed and tried to reach her mother. Energystar also tried to reach her, put her paws slipped, and she fell down.
"No!" Shadowpaw howled. She looked around trying to see if there wad a safer way to get down. There wasnt. The dog was lying there too, besides A dark tunnel under the ground. Suddenly a dark shape of a cat appeard. Is that...deathcloud? He sniffed to Energystar, and pushed her head. He turned her around so she was alying on her belly. Deathcloud took her by the scruff and began dragging her away, into the tunnel he appeard from. Shadowpaw saw how he dragged Energystar away from the sun, and into the darkness.
"How do i find her?" She mumbled to herself and looked around. She saw the old two-leg nest. She heard a yowl in pain, from the nest. She raced over to there, but slowed down, and hid in the grass. She saw Deathcloud's black fur. Deatchcloud was still dragging Energystar's body, but into the two-leg nest. Shadowpaw's pelt bristleled, her paws ready to run. As soon as he have dragged Energystar inside, she jumped up in a giant hole in the wall. She could see inside. There was herbs, food and a den. Energystar's eyes were slowly opening. She looked up seeing deathcloud. She quickly rolled on her belly, to face deathcloud. He pointed his tail at the den. Thats probaly his den, and why is he being so nice to Energystar? Shadowpaw thought and continued looking. Energystar tried to stand up, but quickly fell down again.
"Your leg should heal, if not, you will never be able to walk on it again" deathcloud mewed and took Energystar by the scruff again, and dragged her over to the den. He placed her nicely down, and walked away. He walked over to the fresh kill, and took a lark back to Energystar, and placed it infront of her. Energystar nooded and began digging in. Deathcloud looked at her, and deathcloud swiped his tail in satisfaction. Shadowpaw snarled, just by looking at that tom made her sick. When Energystar took her last bite, she yawned and stretched her legs. She placed her paws under her muzle and fell asleep. Deathcloud -who was smirking at Energystar- walked behind her, and sat down. His gaze returned to Energystar. He yawned and placed his head above on Energystar's. He curled his fluffy tail, around her's.
"What is he up to?" Shadowpaw mumbled to herself. To Shadowpaw's surprise, she realized how hungry and tired she was. She loked inside seeing two mices, ready to be eaten. She licked her tounge around her muzle, and felt how hungry she was.
"I suppose he wont know i was there" she mewed and jumped down from the hole. She walked over to the entrence to the nest, and jumped up on the ground. She was now closer to Energystar and Deathcloud. She heard deathcloud's heavy breathing, while she listed over to the pile. The smell of fresh kill over joyed her, and her mouth ran in waterfall. She quickly grabbed the two mice and turned around. She ran to the door, she was almsot out, when she felt someone's gaze was resting on her. She looked besides her, seeing deathcloud staring at her. She froze, none of her muscle moved. She thought he was about to attack her, but instead he smirked and nooded. He stretched his legs, and went back to sleep. Shadowpaw flicked her ear in confusion. So many questions to this guy. She thought and jumped outside. She sat down under the hole, and began eating the mice.
Once she was finished, she saw the stars above her head. Shining like fire in a cat's eye. I hope the clan is doing well.

She raised her head in fear, the sun was about to come up, and start the day. And Deathcloud and Energystar was gone.
"Thats it... i knew it... im going to die" Shadowpaw mewed and layed down. So that was his plan. Shadowpaw scented a familier scent. Not one she knew very great, but one she had known. In the dry grass besides her, a dark and white shape apeard. Shadowpaw stared in horror as the creature approached her. Badger! Shadowpaw tried to run past it, but the badger got hold of her leg. It threw her three fox lenghts away. Everything in Shadowpaw's body was hurting. Her leg was running in blood, and the badger was slowly walking over to her. She got up on her paws, and ran away as far as she could. she looked behind her seeing how far away the badger was. When she saw the badger had dissapeard, she took a deep breath. She heard pawsteps behind her. She turned around, seeing her paws had carried her the way back to behind the two-legs nests. Rogues began nearing her. Shadowpaw's heart began pounding harder and harder. Was this it. A brown cat sprung at her, and tried to bite her injured leg, but she took it back, and scratched the cat's face. The cat quickly stumpled back. The other cats didnt say anything. They kept going towards her. To many... a dark shape of a cat junped infront of her.
"What are you doing Deathcloud?" One of the rouges asked. Deathcloud hissed at the cat, and the cat walked away.
"But... she is a forest cat. We should kill her right.." the cat didnt finish her sentence before Deathcloud leaped onto her, and bit her shoulder. Quickly she shook him off and ran away. The other rogues were battle ready, just suddenly three other shapes of cats jumped besides Deathcloud. The other cats then fleeded.
"Great going guys. Late as always" Deathcloud mewed in sarcasm.
"Whatever. Im going over to the baker, today is chicken day" a fire colored she-cat spoke.
"Run off firefeather" Deathcloud mewed. Another fire colored cat -who was a tom- ran after firefeather. The last cat was a red and black she-cat. She walked away, with her head down. Deathcloud turned around to meet Shadowpaw's gaze.
"You alright?" He asked carely.
"Um... i quees. Leave me alone" Shadowpaw ordered and walked away.
"If you back to the field alone, the badger will kill you. And if you continue walking that way alone, the street cats will take care of your death" he mewed after her. She looked around to see him still standing where she left him. She tensed to think. How do i know he is talking the truth? He did help Energystar get better, wait...
"Where is Energystar?!" Shadowpaw ordered and ran back to Deathcloud.
"On her way to find you" he smirked. Shadowpaw hissed at him.
"Why did you even take care of her?" Shadowpaw asked. Deathcloud glared at Shadowpaw, but smirked.
"Is it wrong to help another cat?" He asked and licked one of his claws. Shadowpaw snarled. I dont know how much i can take of this cat! Shadowpaw took a step further towards deathcloud. He lifted an eyebrow, probaly ready for Shadowpaw to answer.
"Fine" she growled and followed Deathcloud out of that place.

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