"Murdered?" I ask quietly. I feel rage begin to run through my veins. I had always been told they got into a nasty car accident when we all lived in England and didn't survive. Who would murdered them and why has everyone been lying to me about it? Grandpa nods solemnly. "A man named Tom Riddle killed them." He says. "Why?" I ask. "Your parents were two of the most powerful wizards in the wizarding world. Tom Riddle, better known as Voldemort, had always sought to either use their power or destroy them if they refused. Several years before you were born, a war began. Voldemort and his followers terrorized the whole wizarding world, and your parents fought bravely against him, among many other great witches and wizards. He could never get close enough to get your parents to join them, they always managed to fight him or his followers off. Finally, when your parents had you, he threatned your life if they didn't join you. They still refused, and as a result they faked your death along with John, Alice, and my own so that no one would ever come looking. We all changed our last name to Thomas, and relocated to here. Ever since then we have sought the protection of fellow wizards. We mostly gave up magic, and have set up intense shields around my house and your own to keep all of us protected. Eventually, Voldemort got to your parents. In a moment of vulnerability, he killed them both. At the end of the war, Voldemort was destroyed and there was a short period of peace afterwards." He says. 

It takes me a second to process all this information. It's hard to wrap my head around everything. It's especially hard to understand why someone's mother would ever name them 'Voldemort.' I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening them. My granpda looks expectantly at me. "So what is going on now then? Who is the man who was at my house? And what do you mean there was only a short period of peace afterwards?" I question. 

He clears his throat as if preparing for a long speech. "Since you were born into a family full of Wizards and magic, the result was that you have the ability to do magic as well. Now hear me out, it might be hard to believe since you have thought things to be normal your whole life but I need you to listen to me. Your parents cast an extrememly powerful spell on you before they sent you here so that it would surpress your powers until about the time you turn 17-" I interrupt before he can finish. "But I don't turn 17 till next month!" I exclaim.

 I was pretty young for my grade. And since I happened to work so hard and be quite clever in school I was able to move up a grade in elementary school. Therefore, I am still 16 and heading into my senior year.

 "I know and we have a plan set in place so that you can begin to use magic finally. I'll explain more in a minute. Since you were born to 2 of the most powerful wizards however, you're destined to have a mass amount of power. When you were born there was a propechy that a child of 2 very powerful beings would be born and someday grow up to have more power than even they had. People had always been very curious that child was you. There was never any confirmation and when everyone had thought you to be dead when you were a child, there was never much more talk about it. A few months ago was the end of the second Wizarding War. There was much tragedy and destruction, but as a result, Voldemort was permanenetly destroyed. In the past few months, while special wizards have been tracking his followers however, we have reason to believe that a few escaped to America. We don't know how, but one in particular has figured out who you are and that you are still alive. His name is, Augustus Rookwood. He's a very bad man and still seeks vengance for the death of his leader. He was the man who was at your house. I still don't know what he wants but we can wait till Alice and John arrive to hear that much." He says taking a long breath at the end due to talking. 

"Wow. That was a lot." I say. He smiles. "I know, and the trouble is that there is much more you have yet to learn. That is why we think that it is best if you move to England this coming year to go to school with people like you." He says. I feel anger when he says this. "What do you mean move to England? I don't want to leave this place. And people like me? Are there more people my age that can do magic?" I ask.

THE VISION THIEF - D. MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now