February 25

148 5 0

today, joshua asked if i would like to go grab lunch with him.

as a friend.

just friends.

so we went.

we had sushi as we talked about things friends would talk about.

we discussed our futures, and he went first.

his future didn't include me, but mine included him.

that's when i broke.

i faked receiving a phone call, saying it was a friend in need of going to the hospital.

and even though joshua knew i had absolutely zero friends, he didn't question it.

"a-alright," he said. "it was nice seeing you. i hope your friend is ok."

i nodded, forcing myself to wait until i got outside to my cab before i broke down.

it's like he forgot we're supposed to spend forever together.

maybe it really was all just a one-way relationship.


it was love while it lasted.


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