January 21

172 11 0

today, i received my paycheck.

this would have been the paycheck i used to finally purchase joshua's drumsticks with.

but, apparently, we aren't in love anymore.

though i bought them anyway.

as a parting gift.

i tied a bow around the box and set them on his front porch, a note beside it.

'dear joshua,

thank you for the best 21 days of my life.

i saved up for these to give you as a thank you for all the things you bought me.

i'm out of money now.

but it's ok.

i hope you like them.

i love you.

even if you don't feel the same way anymore.

i wish i could give you one last kiss.

i hope emily makes you happy.

you deserve it.

-tyler r. joseph'

i knocked on his door and i ran.

i ran all the way home.

tears flying down my cheeks.

i miss my joshua.


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