☁️Mini Fluff Cleanse Scenarios

Start from the beginning

"Oh... Hello, Shouto." He looked surprised to see you.


"I told you that I volunteer here sometimes, remember?" You decided to answer his question before he asked it.

"Ah, yes. That does ring a bell..." Yes, he knew what you were doing here... but what were you doing HERE? In front of his mother's ward. He gulped in discomfort, hoping his mother hadn't disclosed anything he had said about you. He had mentioned having jumbled feelings to his mother, finally grateful to have someone to confide in, but when he confessed, he had no idea that she was on a first-name basis with you.

"After you." You broke his train of thought, gesturing into the room.

"Er- okay."

"Look, Miss Todoroki. Shouto brought you flowers." She turned from her seat by the window, long white hair shining in the setting sunlight.

"Thank you dear." She reached out and Shouto obliged her, leaning forward to let her lay a kiss to his cheek without standing. "You know your classmate here has been keeping me company when you aren't here sometimes."

"Thank you, F/N." His sincerity was made very clear by the smoldering tenderness in his tone. He figures that after he neglected her for so long, having someone else to help make up for lost time was something he greatly appreciated.

"No problem." You smiled, sitting next to her. "I like hanging out with her too." She let out a chuckle at your bubbliness.

"Shouto, dear. F/N informed me that you two have a test coming up. Why don't you help her study?"

"Oh! That's if you have time." You waved your hands frantically. "It's totally fine if you don't. Shouto felt his cheeks warm up slightly. 'Is mom really trying to set me up right now? We only just reunited recently and she's already doing me favors? I don't deserve this...'

"I don't have any... plans..."

"Splendid." His mother's smile made him return it involuntarily. It had been so long since he had seen her smile that it definitely would take an adjustment period to get used to.

"Oh... But I don't have my books with me..."

"You can run and get them, dear. We can wait."

He eyed you both warily, almost afraid to leave the two of you alone together. But he realized that despite his neglect, his mother was on his side now, and he felt like he was strong enough to accomplish anything because of it. So he decided to be on his way and return with his study materials.

"Alright. I'll be right back."

After he left the room, you ran down to the kitchen to fetch tea for the three of you, confident Shouto would be back before it got cold. You poured her a cup first, and she was the first to break the silence.

"Shouto's quite fond of you, you know." You blushed.

"Ah... he's uh... fond of you too..." You tried to hide how quickly that sentiment flustered you. She smiled at you, that 'knowing' smile that all mothers have.

"A different kind of fondness." She replied, but left it at that. Thank goodness that the woman had tact and didn't press the issue further. She sighed, staring at her tea in a pensive way.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh nothing. I was just thinking about how much Shouto has grown up." You could sense the sadness in her voice, as if she had missed something of terrible importance. "Even while I was here, I always thought of him, you know... I watched his tournament and always knew he'd succeed."

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