Chapter Five

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This chapter is dedicated to shanibc! :D She really loves this fan fiction, so I wanted to dedicate it to her. :)

I'm so sorry that it's a late update. Also, I apologize for this chapter being short. I have been very busy lately. My stress load will definitely calm down in the next few weeks, because I just recently got out of school for SUMMER BREAK! OOOHHHH YEAHHHH!! So, you know what that means? MORE UPDATES! YAY! :D

I'm so excited that I'll have the time to chill out and write lots of stuff. It's going to be awesome. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy the chapter. :)

Love, RelentlessChaos <3


Darcy’s POV

            When I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar room. Emilee was tied up to a chair on the opposite end of the room.

“Emilee,” I croaked.

She didn’t respond when I called her name, so I went over all of the options in my head:

Someone from Elevated could have drugged her.

She’s sleeping.

Okay, when I say “all of the options” I pretty much just mean those two. I thought it was most likely the first option.

I realized that I wasn’t tied up, and there was a reason for that. Kris came out from behind me and just stared at me.

“Kris! How can I get out?!” I asked.

“I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere,” He said.

“What do you mean? You’re helping me find Drew and Caiden,” I said.

“That’s not possible because they’re not here,” Kris said.

“What do you mean they’re not here?” I asked.

“I tricked you, Darcy. Drew and Caiden are safe and in America.”

I put all of the pieces together.

“Kris, how could you?!” I screamed.

“The members of Elevated can be very persuasive,” a voice said.

John Jackson walked up and put his hand on Kris’s shoulder.

“Good work, Kris,” He said.

Kris just bowed and walked out of the room.

“I knew you were working with them,” I spat.

“Working with them?” John Jackson started laughing. “Oh, Darcy, I control them.”

“Drew was never here,” I stated.

“Correct,” He said.

“So then why did you trick me and bring me here?” I asked.

“You’re so naive, Darcy…” He said.

“Shut up,” I seethed.

“You really don’t know why I tricked you into coming here?” He asked.

I did nothing.

“It’s simple, really… When I count backwards from three, I’m going to kill you,” John stated as he pulled out a gun.

“Three… Two… One.”

Zayn’s POV

            I was tapping my foot impatiently. None of the bodyguards were telling me anything about Darcy’s whereabouts. I knew that they were aware of where she had gone. I wanted to know.

“George, come over here now,” I ordered.

Normally I wasn’t rude to anyone who worked for me, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

“Yes, Zayn. Is there anything you need?” He asked.

“Tell me where Darcy is,” I demanded.

“I’m afraid I can’t release that type of information,” He said.

Sweat was developing on his forehead.

“Listen, if you don’t tell me where she is right now, I will make sure that you lose everything,” I threatened.

George gulped and looked around. He sighed and finally said, “She’s at a gang base.”

“What gang is this?” I asked.

“Elevated,” He whispered.

Hmm, Darcy mentioned them before… Wait, Elevated was the gang who had her brother. A wave of realization hit me. I ran to the nearest car that I saw and opened the door. Luckily the keys were still in there. I didn’t really care that I was about to steal a car. I started it up and raced down the road.

It was far away. I only knew that much. I called a helicopter.

After waiting for ten minutes, I was lifted into a helicopter and being led to a gang hideout. Honestly, I was pretty scared. I never had anything to do with gangs and I wish

I didn’t have to start now. I would do anything to save Darcy, though. I couldn’t deny that I was growing feelings for her.

I didn’t think as I jumped out of the helicopter once it landed. I just ran and ran in the direction that the pilot told me to. Once I ran a long distance, I observed my surroundings. I looked at the people.

I recognized a man that was a friend of Darcy’s. I think his name was Kris. He was the one that warned her that her brother was taken.

“Kris!” I called to him.

He whipped his head in my direction and walked towards me.

“Hey man,” I greeted him.

“Hi,” He grunted.

“I know this is top secret information, but could you tell me where the Elevated hideout is?” I asked him.

“Why do you want to know?” Kris asked.

“Darcy’s there,” I panted.

A twisted smile formed on Kris’s face.

“Sure buddy, I’ll take you there.”

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