Chapter 22

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I woke up at Tyrones house this morning. I wish I wasn't here, but instead at Chris's house with him holding me in his arms. I blew out a sigh and got out of bed. I walked  to his closet,  and pulled out to my clothes. Yes I have clothes at his house I don't know how but I do. I don't know how he knew my size shoe size what size I wore an under clothes. I just don't know, but I'm not going to think about that right now.

I walked into the bathroom and turn on the water.  I walked over to the singing stars a brush my teeth with the extra tooth brush that he had in his cabinet.  I stripped and got in the shower. 

Now I was downstairs and Tyrones kitchen and I was cooking breakfast for me. fuck him i aint doing shit for him  and I don't want to be here. I heard a knock at the door the one over the answers. Open the door and I saw one of his friends. Aromas o'clock back into the kitchen well he walked up stairs to go meet Tyrone. I'm finished cooking and made a plate, then sat down at the island to eat. I was on my phones going to Instagram what I saw that Chris had posted a picture of him. He was at his house, having a backyard party with all his friends and family. I sighed because I want to be there but I cant.

I finish my food and put a plate in the sink. I walked up stairs to Tyrone room to see what he was doing with his friend. I saw that they were sorting something out, like a trade. Tyrone is giving him supplies to sell it was also giving him money for it.

" you better sell all that shit boy and if you don't I got your ass. You understand me?"

The dude nodding his head and started to walk out of the room. I ran down to the extra spare room by the bathroom and sat In there there. I turned on the TV and laid on back, pretended like I was watching TV.

Moments later Tyrone walked in the room and sat down on the bed. I turn so I wasn't facing him but I was looking at the TV. I heard him kiss his teeth. I snickered at the little remark and turned around.

" You sound gay when you do that, bruh. "  I chuckled.

He pushed me back on the bed and climbed on top of me. He started to kiss on my neck, and put his hands under my shirt.  I shuddered in disgust and pushed him off of me. He sighed in annoyance and ripped my shirt off.

" when you gone let me hit? Stop playing around, you know you want this. "

" I don't want shit from you Tyrone. Just leave me the fuck alone. Damn, I would think that you got that memo  already. " 

He growled, lifiting up his hand ready to hit me. I let fear flash in my eyes for a few seconds but quickly covered it with anger. 

" You need to shut the fuck up, and quit acting like a bitch. You got a big ass mouth and your always running it, a nigga could be nice as shit to you and you would still have something rude as fuck to say. You really need to watch yourself, because next time I am gon slap the shit out of you, and you're not going to like it. " He moved in closer to my face, and I almost slapped the shit out of him, but his words hurt. 

I never thought I was like that, I didn't think I was that mean. I felt tears swell up in my eyes and I pushed him off of me. I got up and walked inside the bathroom while locking the door. I heard him sigh, then slam the door.

I started sob into my hands, and shook with pain that I couldn't take away.








" Quanna "


" Quanna I know you hear me. " 

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