Pt. 1 Dorothy & The Exorcist

Start from the beginning

Maria and Dorothy gaped at the secret room before Georg silently motioned for them to hurry inside. They obeyed, mother taking the hand of her daughter and pulling her in the small space. Georg removed the key, stepped behind the threshold, and gripped the handlebars on its back as he slid the bookcase back into place. Maria had busied herself with lighting a wax candle in its golden, handled candle sconce as he did this. The small flame just barely illuminated a desk identical to his other one, with his diary and a fountain pen on top. There were some more books inside, in smaller cases, and a painting of doctors with bird masks, the ones that tended to the patients of the bubonic plague.

Georg lifted a finger to his lips, glowering at the two strictly, like a teacher ordering their misbehaved pupil to be silent. Not a second later, they jumped in their clammy skins as his bedroom door slammed open. Servant C's animalistic huffs and puffs of rage sounded out in the quiet, then the crashes and thuds of her toppling over and smashing all the furniture. She yelled in frustration and zoomed back out the room, a whoosh of air announcing her departure. But they knew it wouldn't be safe to leave that room, not until the Exorcist came.


Woohee rushed through the forest faster than her normal speed, thanks to the aide of her "cloud shoes." They were white with cute wings that resembled clouds on either side of them. A knapsack of things she'd groggily but hastily gathered together thumped against her hip. Her black and white, gold-accented Korean hanbok, the long-sleeved dress most women of her race wore, flapped in the nightly breezes. Her black braids hung in the cool air behind her as she raced across the dirt trail, crimson eyes gleaming in the moonlight and teeth bared in exertion. She realized horse-drawn carriages were just too slow once she boarded one to this town. So when she arrived, she settled for her special shoes.

Woohee wasn't dumb enough to knock, although her presence would possibly already be sensed once she entered those double oak doors. The mansion was majestic in size, but not so impressive in its exterior design. Once she stepped inside as quietly as she could though, she saw that the interior made up for it. However, the bright and luscious colors could hardly be seen in the darkness. The lights were probably doused due to the spirits mooching off the energy from them, like leeches. This wouldn't be a problem. One of her magical capabilities was summoning ethereal flames, she used simple "goblin wolf light," a blue ball of fire that blazed close to her. Casting a blue tint over wallpapered walls and carpeted floors as she found her way to a stairwell.

I need to be sure the family is safe first and foremost, Woohee thought to herself as her little feet climbed the steps. She entered the main hall of the second floor, and heard an alarming ruckus of destruction from a room to her far right. It sounded like multiple people were trashing things simultaneously. She ignored it tried a door to her immediate left, peeking in. A bloodshot eye peeked back at her. The maid on the other side giggled giddily, like a little girl keeping an exciting secret.

Woohee instinctively shut the door, pressing against it with all her might as the spirit battered the wood. Her strength wouldn't be enough to last her one whole minute, and the sound of destruction from before had ceased as the altercation caught the interest of those spirits. Woohee thought fast. She had a large, wide sword taller than herself just waiting to be summoned, one for battling spiritual foes. But she never resorted to eliminating them right away, she wanted them to come to terms with their deaths and find peace. So she extinguished her fire, pulled a black cloak of invisibility from her knapsack, unfurled it, and draped it over her before moving off the door. The bloodied maid, with a sliced up neck and purple-tinted cheeks, burst out and looked around with demented excitement.

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