"During the...incident... I took down the intruder and Emma saw it." Harry slowly admitted.

"You shot him." I said and Harry bowed his head.

"Emma, that's Harry's job. His job is to protect you and take down anyone who tries to harm you. That's what he did today and he did his job like he's supposed to." My father said to me.

"I saw someone die." I whispered and Harry looked at my father.

"I think I should get back to the investigation." He said and my father nodded in agreement.

Harry looked at me for a moment before he left the room.

As soon as he was gone I closed my eyes and laid my head down on the pillow, completely emotionally and physically exhausted.

"Your doctors should be here soon, so rest and once you're better we can talk about what happened today. Alright?" My father took my hand in his.

"Okay." I replied and he gave me a tiny smile before standing up. "I'll be back." He told my mom who nodded and then sat down on the side of my bed with me.

"Do you remember when Grayson locked you in the basement with his friend dressed as a zombie on halloween?" She asked me and I nodded. "Well you look exactly like you did then. Petrified out of your mind."

I watched her as she took my hand in hers.

"When that happened I grounded your brother, but this time there's no one for me to ground."

I barely gave her a smile.

"I know Harry shooting that man in front of you must have been terrifying, and if I were you I would react the same way, but he did it to protect you, and make sure no one harmed you."

"I know that, but seeing him actually kill someone..."

"I know, but he did what he had to do to save you from whoever that person was. And he did that."

I nodded.

"Just rest."

I closed my eyes until my doctors arrived and tended to me.

I then spent the rest of my afternoon and evening hooked to an IV.

I was laying in my bed with my eyes closed after my IV had been removed, when I heard my bedroom door open.

Figuring it was my parents I kept my eyes closed, feeling them sit on the edge of the bed. But when they took my hand in theirs I realised it was Harry.

I opened my eyes as I pulled my hand back and I saw the hurt flash across his face.

"Emma." He sighed. "You weren't supposed to see... I never wanted you to see me..."

"Kill someone." I finished the sentence for him and he nodded.

"But you did. And as much as I regret what you saw, I don't regret what I did because that man was there to kill you, Emma. He had a gun and his plan was to kill me to get to you so he could do the same. And I did my job, which is to stop people like that from hurting you. And the only way to do that was was to kill him."

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