Chapter X

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  The ninja and Acrnoix ran to the centre of Ninjago City. They hid behind a building as they explained the plan.
"Ok team. We don't know yet if Ignis—I mean Ira has any minions. So...we've the timeblades as it is too dangerous to left them unguarded. Cole, Zane, Rosalie and I will wield one each. Acrnoix, you go with Jay, Cole and Kai up the building to confront Ira." explained Lloyd, "the rest will stay here."
Everyone agreed. The fight team headed to the entrance of Borg Industries and went in the elevator to the top. Ira felt their presence. She growled and shit lightning down below. The people screamed and ran away. The bolts created like stick figures like things and began attacking the people. Lloyd gestured to the remaining ninja to help.
The fight team got to the top, but Ira was ready for them. The timeblades were useless by wielders who had no idea how to use it in battle. As Ira headed to Cole, who had one of the timeblades she held him with electricity so he couldn't escape. Cole had no one to pass it to. Acrnoix saw the circumstances and leaped forward out of his lightning prison.
"Here Cole!" He exclaimed.
"How do I know you're not gonna use it against us?" yelled Cole as Ira got dangerously close.
"I promise not to give it to Krux!" But Cole through the timeblades anyway. Ira hissed as it got to the owners hands. It was the Slo-Mo time blade.
Acrnoix smiled. "If you're as fast as lightning..." he tried to punch Ira but she flipped out of the way so fast she was barely visible.
It wasn't long before Acrnoix cornered her at the edge of the building.
But before he struck her she began to talk. "I need more power to be able to sustain myself. Just. A bit more power Acronix. And I absorb will be useless." Acrnoix frowned. But before he could react Ira dived onto him. He struggled but threw the timeblade off the edge out of her reach. She noticed it and jumped of the edge. She was slowed down as she absorbed the power form the building as she went down. Acrnoix also jumped off, but he went down faster. He got to her and fought her as they fell.
Just before they hit the ground Ira disappeared. Acrnoix fell onto the ground. He spotted Krux go towards the SLO-Mo timeblade on the ground. Everyone else was busy fighting the lightning figures. He scramble up and ran to Krux. It took a while but Ira got there first. She grabbed Krux by the neck and shot electricity through him. He shook and fell to the ground, unknown if he was dead.
Ira picked up the Timebalde and inspected it impressed. She got ready to teleport as sparks appeared around her. Acrnoix crashe into her just as she disappeared along with her lighting figures.


Acrnoix flew at a very fast speed as they landed. He crashed into a wall and fell unconscious. Ira smiled.
She had found her old base, under ground. She chucked Acrnoix into a cage. She then stabbed the blade into herself. The power swirled out of it and into herself. It was like a spirit escaped Ignis' body. Ira had her enter form, out of a body. She smiled and pushed her arm into the metal wall. It went in just like she went through it, which she did. Ignis was conscious. Ira kicked her into a cell.
"Well Ignis. I don't need you any more. You'll just fade away...just like your brother and that annoying little girl." laughed Ira.
Ignis realised what she just said. "Well...well...the ninja will stop you."
Ira laughed. "But by then you'll be long gone."
"Why..." Ignis was still weak.
"Because you found LOVE." Ira smirked in disapproval.
Ignis gulped in her dry throat. "What does that do with anything?" she croaked.
"The more happy you are, the shorter you are to live when your Time Possibility dies and you are in another time. If you are isolated in a dark hundred years should be a short time to you." Ira smiled.
"But I'm in a dark isolated cell." muttered Ignis.
"But you have love." Ira said before she left, leaving a trail of light behind her and an echo of laughter.
Ignis coughed and crawled to the door of her cell. She looked next to her and saw Acrnoix there, unconscious.



Well I got that chapter in on time. I wonder If I'll be this punctual when I have school...XD


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